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Hi Karen ... Melissa: She said WHAT? All in fun at Slate Saturday night.

Good-Bye New York Voice Over Mixer
... You Left With A Blast Saturday Night

December 3, 2012

By John Florian

(VOXtra) - Host Erik Sheppard raised a glass in a toast to five exciting years of New York Voice Over Mixers at holiday time, and hundreds upon hundreds of voice talents and industry pros cheered.

Yet the moment was bittersweet.

The party Saturday night, at the sprawling Slate night club in Manhattan's Chelsea district, capped a five-year run helmed by Sheppard and his Voice Talent Productions - an event that has become the voice over industry's largest gathering.

Saturday's party - which many were praising as the "best ever" - drew a record-setting 523 registrations, including many folks from out of state who drove, flew or rode the rails for a long weekend in holiday-trimmed New York City.

And of course, the party slate was for smiles, laughter, fun and inevitable networking: "Do you have a card?" Hey - even Santa (voice talent Ron Levine) flew in for the festivities, joined here by Voxy Lady elves and friends.

The classy Voxy Ladies voice over group co-presented with Sheppard this year, helped by sponsors VoiceBank, Comrex, voice talents Kelley Buttrick and Mara Junot, and heaps of door prizes.

The request at the door for a $10 donation created a sizeable check enroute to the Don LaFontaine Voice-Over Lab at the SAG Foundation in Los Angeles.

The Mixer also spawned many pre- and after-parties, like the jammed pre-party reception at Edge Studio's new facility near Times Square.


Begun in 2008, this annual party has been always been the talk of the voice over town. And to be sure, they're memorable - especially the night in 2009 when Sheppard dropped to his knee and proposed on stage to (now wife) Lindsay (pictured). If you dare to be nostalgic, check the links to these party years: 2008, 2009, (sorry, 2010 article has vanished!), and 2011.

Hard to believe the years have flown so fast.


But back to the present. Smiles abounded Saturday night at Slate ...

Debbie Irwin, Rob Sciglimpaglia, Paul Strikwerda and Tom Dheere.

Michael Schoen, Kera O'Bryon, Heather Costa, John Florian and Kelley Buttrick.

Dan Friedman, Trish Basanyi and John Taylor.

Erik and Lindsay Sheppard.

Thank you, Erik, Lindsay, Voxy Ladies and all who helped create the best ever New York Voice Over Mixer!

Happy Holidays!

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Comments (1)
Michele Bell
12/4/2012 at 11:02 AM
What a fabulous article! Although this is my first VO Mixer, I will say that I enjoy meeting like-minded VO professionals and aspiring VO actors. Mixers are a great tool for providing mutual support in this industry, and I am much influenced by the tenacity of meeting the soul behind the voice,,,,,it inspires me to learn more about tools needed to make my mark one day as a VO professional.
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