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Moe Egan and Liz de Nesnera at the VO-BB pre-Mixer gathering:
"Like, there's a party goin' on right here?" Uh huh!
'New York VO Mixer' Warms Up Rainy Night
With High Energy 'Hi's, Hugs, Smiles & Prizes
By John Florian
Dec. 9, 2009
Tareq and Michaele Salahi were not on the attendee list, so couldn't get past the door guard last Saturday night at the White Rabbit, a long-bar lounge on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
But more than 200 voice talents did get the OK nod and escaped a driving rain into the high-energy warmth of the 2nd Annual New York Voice Over Mixer.
The first smile was from greeter September Day, who with Erik Sheppard and LindZ Reiss organized the event under the umbrella (an apt word for the night) of Sheppard's Voice Talent Productions.
"We thank everyone for coming out and joining us," says Sheppard (pictured, as he announced door prize winners).
"This is not a for-profit venture - this is for fun," he adds. "We try to give people a chance to hang out and have a drink and talk with their peers without any pressure of classes or sales.
"And we love that over 200 other folks think that might be cool, as well!"
Sheppard had another cool move up his sleeve that night: an engagement ring for LindZ (click here for that photo story).
Envision four hours of several hundred friends - from both the physical and virtual worlds - meeting shoulder-to-shoulder ... exchanging hugs, smiles, business cards, experiences and ideas - like the chocolate mic (pictured) that David Kaplan is sending his clients this holiday.
Philip Banks jumped "across the pond" from his U.K. studio. Dave Courvoisier shrugged off the rain as a welcome change to always-perfect weather in Las Vegas (do we believe that?). Bob Souer flew up from Charlotte; Elaine Singer and Stephanie Ciccarelli flew down from Toronto; LA's Bob Bergen was conveniently in town, presenting a weekend workshop.
And arriving from Maine, DB Cooper presided over a VO-BB (Voice Over Bulletin Board forum) pre-Mixer party at a nearby restaurant.
(Let us know your travel log, too, in the COMMENTS below.)
Many journeyed home with door prizes.
When pointing a camera, no one had to say, "Smile!" Among the hundreds of flashes throughout the party were these ...
Together again! (Moe Egan photo)

Bob Souer, Philip Banks and September Day (Lee Gordon photo)
Peter O'Connell, Doug Turkel, Melissa Exelberth and Roy Yokelson

Linda Ristig and Dave Courvoisier

John Florian and DB Cooper (Moe Egan photo)
Lee Gordon, Mandy Nelson and Bob Bergen (Lee Gordon's camera)
Erik Sheppard: Will you marry me, LindZ?
David and Eileen Kaplan

Michael Schoen and Diane Dimond (Lee Gordon photo)

Ron 'Graywolf' Levine

Elaine Singer and Mary McKitrick
Tom Dheere and Mark Stewart
Denise LoPiccolo, Frank Rucco, Rob Allen and Marc Bode
Marjorie Ocho Kouns and Trish Basanyi

Xavier 'X-Man' Paul and Karen Gerstman
Leslie Diamond, Danielle Quisenberry, September Day and LindZ Reiss
Russ 'Famous Amos' DiBello and Anita Bonita

DB Cooper and Anthony Mendez

Bob Bergen and Marian Massaro
John Florian and Terry Daniel
Liz de Nesnera, Diane Havens and Adriana Sananes

Bob Hurley and Lee Gordon
Bob Souer, Pam Tierney and Michael Schoen
Melissa Exelberth and Bobbi Owens

Peter O'Connell and Tony Impieri

September Day and Tara Mooney


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Comments (12)
Karen Gerstman
1/22/2010 at 7:51 PM
Thanks for sharing these great photos. Was a great evening!
Dan Wright
1/22/2010 at 1:13 PM
T'was truly a joyous occasion! I enjoyed meeting people that, up until that point, I was only cyber-aquainted with. What a wonderful group to spend a December evening with! I wish everyone a prosperous and blessed 2010!
Pierre la France
12/13/2009 at 1:00 AM
Great event for everyone in the Voice Over business. I had a fun evening talking to all the good VO people there. Can't wait for the next event. Good Times!
Pierre la France, French Male Voice Over Talent
Joe Rodriguez
12/10/2009 at 1:17 PM
Jeez, I missed another great time. I really gotta get on top of the whole networking thing . . .
Moe Egan
12/10/2009 at 8:19 AM
Great write up, John! It was a real pleasure to be able to meet you in person and spend some time with you at the "pre-event event". Always a treat to get together with VO friends - to catch up, recharge, compare notes and just HAVE FUN! Can't wait till next year!
Bob Souer
12/10/2009 at 1:51 AM
Just one small correction, I drove over from Pittsburgh. I didn't fly up from Charlotte this time. But, the main thing I want to say is it's so good to read and see and remember. Thank you for the wonderful write-up!
Be well, Bob
Doug de Nance
12/10/2009 at 1:28 AM
Fantastic job of "covering" the event in a "photo-journalism" fashion. Makes me all the more determined to bring a big Western "Yeee Haaa" to New York the next time around. Hope to met many of you "live and in person" in LA in June. Thanks again, John.
Jeff Gelder
12/10/2009 at 1:04 AM
Nice article John! Looks/sounds like I missed a great event. Hopefully there will be others!
Best, Jeff
Liz de Nesnera - Bilingual English/French Voice Talent
12/9/2009 at 11:15 PM
GREAT pics John! What a fabulous evening that was. It was great seeing you! And yes....there WAS quite a party going on! :-) Can't wait till next year!
Peace! Liz
Linda Ristig
12/9/2009 at 10:18 PM
It was really a wonderful event, and these great photos help to showcase the fun. Kudos to Voice Talent Productions team for turning a cold, soggy night into a festive opportunity to mingle with other VO talent and producers. For me, the trip to NYC was definitely worth the trek from DC!
John Florian
12/9/2009 at 10:15 PM
OK, Dave, I'll believe you. How can we not trust that smile?
Dave Courvoisier
12/9/2009 at 9:02 PM face hurt from smiling all night, and my voice gave way about half-way through ... Memories that will last a life-time! Nice write-up, John!
Dave Courvoisier,
....and yes, I REALLY did enjoy the rain/snow immensely!
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