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Gathering for prize drawings at the New York Mixer.

Oh What A Night - In New York,

2011 Voice Over Mixer Dazzles

December 4, 2011

By John Florian

(VOXtra) - Saturday night in New York: More smiles, more hugs, more kisses, more ... "Hey, I know you from your picture!" than ever before.

Awash in blue light and high-energy holiday cheer, the 2011 New York Voice Over Mixer drew a record 500 or more voice talents and professionals Saturday night, Dec. 3, to the vast Arena Event Space near Times Square.

The ever-growing annual event was hosted by Voice Talent Productions' Erik (pictured right) and Lindsay Sheppard and Marc Graue Voiceover Studio. Additional main sponsors were Edge Studio, Voicebank, the VOICE 2012 conference, and Sam Ash Music Stores.

Friends partied. Voice over newcomers ("Working on a demo," "Just did a demo" ...) networked and experienced the congenial nature of their new profession.

Many of the throng came to New York for the party and then hit the trains, busses and roadways home.

Yet many also came for the weekend or more; those from southern California could have chartered a plane (consider it next year?). Philip Banks and Darren Altman showed no signs of jet lag from their flights over the pond from the UK, nor did Reuven Miller from Israel. Pictured left, other out-of-towners Mara Junot and Peter K. O'Connell.

On stage, the Sheppards drew winning names for scores of prizes, from expensive audio gear to training to posters and more. Hats flew into the crowd in the annual hat toss. And we all took turns on the stage to pose with friends as cameras flashed.

No doubt the VTP event page will soon post pictures, and shots will flood the online galleries. Here, too, are a few from the VoiceOverXtra camera of the good times at the fourth annual New York Voice Over Mixer.

Thanks, Erik, Lindsay and event sponsors for what truly seemed to be the largest gathering of voice over talent!

Erik Sheppard, Marc Graue, Rob Paulsen and Lindsay Sheppard

Dave Courvoisier, Trish Basanyi and Terry Daniel (the VoiceOverXtra Super Socials webinar hosts)


Reuven Miller and Ron Levine

Toe to dressy toe: Erik and Lindsay Sheppard

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Comments (5)
Nikki Lee Almanza
12/6/2011 at 3:40 AM
Thanks to Erik, Lindsay, Marc, Connie Mustang and all those who made donations and those who attended! It was an absolutely fabulous night.
Linda Ristig
12/5/2011 at 1:26 PM
Yes, was as you described and so much more! Just wanted to add my voice in a heartfelt thanks also to Lindsay and Erik! It was so much fun to see old friends and make a few new ones!
12/5/2011 at 10:16 AM
Sounds like a wonderful time! What a fantastic community. Thanks for the brief recap, John.
Maybe next year.....
Jerry McClellan
12/5/2011 at 7:02 AM
WOW! The place to be and the people to be with! Hey, save me a space next year!
Bettye Zoller
12/5/2011 at 1:28 AM
Well, happy I could donate door prizes and it was really fun tonight to hear from my winners. So cool. Think I've made more new vo and SINGER friends. They are singers too! So sorry couldn't be there. Gosh gonna try next year. All best to ya all, as we say in Texas, and kudos to you Erik for being organizer par excellence.

Bettye Zoller
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