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VOICE 2010: 24/4
June 6, 2010
It's a wrap. The huge VOICE 2010 international voice-over conference in Los Angeles ended Saturday night with a rousing Celebrity Banquet. Some 400 voice actors headed back home to reality - but all the wiser for jam-packed days of voice-over education, networking and fun ...
James Alburger and Penny Abshire, co-producers of VOICE 2010, receive well-deserved applause at the Celebrity Banquet Saturday night in Los Angeles. The closing event featured interviews with voice-over legends June Foray, plus Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche (Pinky and the Brain). The VOICE 2010 Community Award was presented to John Florian of VoiceOverXta, and George Whittam of Eldorado Recording Service was feted for his work installing SAG's Don LaFontaine VoiceOver Lab. Then, dance, dance, dance! For details, visit Dave Courvoisier's blog. (John Florian photos)
Voice Actors & The Internet, a panel session led by John Florian, revealed highlights of a major industry survey on how voice actors use the Internet, and featured the personal online career experiences and advice of voice actors Peter K. O'Connell, Doug Turkel, Trish Basanyi and David Kaplan. For more, visit Bobbin Beam's blog.
Terry Daniel, left, and Dave Courvoisier literally kick off their Friday morning's opening session on Social Media with a rousing rap song. For more, and a link to the entire presentation, visit Dave Courvoisier's Blog.. (John Florian blurry photo)
Pat Fraley, right, and surprise guest Brad Garrett rock the conference's opening session with laughter Thursday morning, demonstrating the how-to of Comedy in Voice Over. For more, see Stephanie Ciccarelli's blog. (John Florian photo)
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Comments (3)
Dan Lenard / The Home Studio Master
6/7/2010 at 1:20 PM
Most important, Congratulations again, John on winning the Community Award! You worked your butt off this year making everyone in the voice over community a little closer and better informed! What a great event! Did anyone find my voice? I think I left it at the banquet!
Paul J. Warwick
6/7/2010 at 10:38 AM
Thank all !
It was almost like being there!
Paul J. Warwick
Pamela Tansey
6/7/2010 at 1:12 AM
Thanks much for keeping on the very top of things happening! You are the epitome of what's what, and need to know how much even people that are "there" are interested in your point of view! It was terrific to meet the "face behind the face"; you look as nice as you are! And congratulations for the recognition. Glad to see I am among the consensus!

Remaining your loyal follower,
Pamela (~;
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