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VOICE 2010's senior staff takes a theatrical bow to the cheers of attendees Wednesday night as the international gathering of voice actors opened with a Red Carpet Reception. (John Florian photos)
VOICE 2010 Opens With Red Carpet Welcome
To 3rd International Gathering Of Voice Actors
June 3, 2010
By John Florian
With attendance approaching 400 voice actors from around the world, VOICE 2010 - the third international conference of voice actors - opened to applause and cheers Wednesday night at a Red Carpet Reception in a spacious but jam-packed room of the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.
Hugs and handshakes, business card swaps, and miles of smiles brought friends together - often for the first time in a non-virtual world.
Conference co-hosts Dave Courvoisier and Bobbin Beam introduced VOICE 2010 co-producers James Alburger and Penny Abshire - who then brought their senior staff to the stage for an impromtu theatrical bow.
Dr. Reena Gupta of the Osborne Head & Neck Institute - the conference's premier sponsor - explained the crucial need of vocal health awareness, and aspiring voice actor Gina Marie Erickson was awarded the first-ever Chuck Riley Memorial VoiceOver Scholarship (see earlier story).
The three-day conference of educational sessions, networking and social events wraps up Saturday night, June 5, with a Celebrity Banquet.
Co-hosts Dave Courvoisier and Bobbin Beam
Gina Marie Erickson receives scholarship from's Adam Goodman and Gabby Nistico
Denise Chamberlain and Pat Fraley
Alix Michaels and Diane Merritt
John Florian, David Kaplan, Tara LaDore, Justin Coombes-Pearce
Scott Brick and Hillary Huber
Ron Levine and Tracy Elman
Herb and Cora Merriweather
George Whittam and TJ Jones
Dave Courvoisier and Dave DeAndrea
Steve Savanyu and Helene Weinberg
Paul Pape and Zurek
Connie Terwilliger and Doug Turkel
Amy Taylor and Frankie DiVita
Chuck Burke and Joe Thomas
Christine Schneider and Scott Brick
Norman Lee and Bog Llou Johnson
Melody Jones, Marla Boden and Cookie Colletti
Connor Heim, Bob Fogal and Julie Williams
Heather Farrar and Elizabeth Stuart
Dan Lenard and Lori Furth
Bobbin Beam and John Florian
Rob Sciglimpaglia and Doug de Nance
Kara Edwards and Stephanie Riggio
Lee and Debbie Plaud
Hillary Huber and Tina Leaman
Stephen Weese, Larissa Gallagher and Joe Jones
The staff bow: Dave Courvoisier, Curt Byk, Penny Abshire, James Alburger, Connie Mustang, Bobbin Beam and Sonnie Brown 


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Comments (8)
Dan Lenard/The Home Studio Master
6/7/2010 at 1:13 PM
Most important, Congratulations again John on winning the Community Award! You worked your butt off this year making everyone in the voice over community a little closer and better informed!

What a great event! Did anyone find my voice? I think I left it at the banquet!
TJ Jones
6/6/2010 at 4:45 PM
Wonderful, fun time, and a great looking bunch. Especially the guy in the picture with George. Good reads to you all, TJ
Daniel Wallace
6/6/2010 at 3:57 AM
What a fantastic opening to a spectacular conference.
6/4/2010 at 1:04 PM
Greetings from the wacky world of voiceovers. I thought the pictures were great, almost like being there. What a thought to meet one another as you said "In a non-virtual world." Thanks for sharing, as always best wishes in your endeavors. Dave,
Bobbin Beam
6/4/2010 at 11:15 AM
We have a wonderful voiceover community. It's fun to meet new and see old pals, learn and grow.
Rosalyn Smith
6/4/2010 at 11:08 AM
Oh, I have to be at the next gathering! Looks like you guys are having a real blast .....
Jerry McClellan
6/4/2010 at 10:36 AM
Thanks for posting, John. Almost . . like being there. Almost. Maybe next year for some of the rest of us!
Looking forward to more posts and pics! Somebody in that crowd better stay sober in case a gig hunts you down . . .
Pamela Tansey
6/3/2010 at 9:42 PM
Pictures paint a thousand words for $100, John! We are loving it! Tnx for the pics!
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