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VOICE 2012 International Convention
Heads To Disneyland® June 13-16

September 30, 2011

(VOXtra) - Now in it's fourth year, the largest convention of voice actors will convene next June at the Disneyland® Hotel, on the property of the world-famous Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA.

The VoiceOver International Creative Experience - known popularly as VOICE - kicks off with a star-studded Red Carpet Reception on the evening of Wednesday, June 13 and continues through Saturday, June 16.

"Voice over talent from around the world will make their way to the happiest place on earth to take part in the only international convention for voice actors," say event executive producers James Alburger and Penny Abshire. They are also co-directors of the VoiceActing Academy in San Diego.

Indeed, it's a convention for voice artists at all levels of experience.

The event's tag is "Education, Technology, Community," and all are highly evident throughout the numerous education sessions, exhibit hall, and networking and social functions - including a wrap-up formal banquet.

Registrations to VOICE 2012 will open soon, the producers say.

Meanwhile, check developments at the VOICE 2012 website.


Previous VOICE conventions were held in Las Vegas in 2007 and Los Angeles in 2008 and 2010.

VoiceOverXtra was launched shortly after the Las Vegas event and later reported on the fast-paced action of the succeeding conventions.

Click on these dates for those reports and photos: VOICE 2008, VOICE 2010. Ahh, the memories.

And now, to Disneyland!

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