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The 2014 Holiday Magic CD Seeks Your
Children's Song Or Story By August 29

August 24, 2014

(VOXtra) - What's that story, song or rhyme of yours that could brighten the December holidays for a kid in a hospital?

Share it with voice talent/producer Jeff Gelder. Now!

Jeff is compiling materials for the 12th edition CD of Holiday Magic, A Gift for Children of all Ages, and has set August 29 as the deadline for submissions. Every year the new CD of stories and songs is distributed to thousands of children's hospitals worldwide, bringing guaranteed joy to children and their families.

The CD weaves a tale about Jeffrey the Reindeer and his pals, but includes many additional contributions. Click here to learn about last season's CD.

For details about the annual project and submissions, please visit

To contact Jeff personally:

And BTW: the project also accepts donations at the main website:

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Comments (1)
Jeff Gelder
8/24/2014 at 5:00 PM
Hi John,
Thank you for spreading the news to your loyal readers! We're looking forward to another joyful CD for the kids!
See you at VOICE!
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