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Who's Who In This Year's CD Cast
Of The Children's Holiday Magic Project
December 3, 2013
See Part 1: 7,000+ CDs

(VOXtra) - When Santa Claus and reindeer visit children's hospitals, they like to bring along a troupe of voice actors and musicians.

And the ensemble creates LOVE - which, in fact, is the theme of this year's Children's Holiday Magic Project.

Now in it's 11th year, the project is on course to send a record-breaking 7,000+ CDs to entertain children and their families in children's hospitals worldwide, continuing the tale of Santa Claus and Jeffrey the Surfer Reindeer (that's him, looking at you), as they make their way from the North Pole to visit the children.

Each year the tale is different, comprised of recordings submitted by voice actors and other entertainers, and chosen in mid-September by a committee of voice actors, singers, songwriters, studio engineers, volunteers and project board members.

"As you can imagine, the submissions range in style, mood and length, so a lot of thought and passion goes in to which submissions are chosen," explains voice talent / producer Jeff Gelder, project organizer (pictured, recording his segment).

"The ultimate goal is to choose the submissions that, collectively, follow the submission requirements and match the theme of the year’s CD. With so many to choose from it is always a challenge to narrow it down!

"After thoughtful consideration and much colorful debate, the songs and stories are woven together on paper, their eventual same sequence professionally produced voluntarily by GelderHead Productions and mastered at Edge Studio, then packaged with the gift you see each year."


This year's theme jumped out at the committee in a song written by voice talent / trainer Deb Munro. Here's that song, matched to slides for a presentation at the project's Dec. 4 Launch Party & Fundraiser dinner in San Diego.

The song is a DebsVoice/MuttYard Production, from Deb Munro, Wayne Nordeen and Brent Halfyard ...


This year's story was written by Mark Patterson and voiced by:
  • Jeff Gelder, Jeffery the surfer reindeer
  • Phillip Tanzilo, Santa Claus
  • Penny Abshire, Mrs. Claus
  • Heather Martinez, Kate the adventurous reindeer from Milwaukee
  • Greg Dehm (pictured), Carlito, Jeffery's cousin from San Diego Wild Animal Park
  • Marc Graue, Thalion, Master Elf, and
  • Teri Wilder, Trixie.

And the story weaves through these entertaining tracks ...
1) It's Holiday Magic - A DebsVoice/MuttYard Production Deb Munro, Wayne Nordeen and  Brent Halfyard  
2) SCENE 1 - SANTA'S BIG INTRODUCTION - Santa, Mrs. Claus, Trixie, Jeffery
3) Magic of Christmas - written and performed by Keaton Simons - IFMP, One M Publishing BMI and Elaine P. Macaluso. Rutters Road Publishing SESAC  
4) SCENE 2 - LOVE IS IN THE AIR! - Jeffery, Carlito, Kate
5) Little Bit Better - written by Killian MacGeraghty, performed by The Gun & Doll Show
6) Minnie's Magic Christmas Box - by M.Lennon, narrated by Pearl Hewitt, produced by Tim Keenan - Creative Media Recording
7) Campana sobre Campana (Bell over Bell) - produced by Carlos de Alba and David Lan. Vocals: Karla Alejandra de Alba, Mariali Solano, Carlos Alejandro de Alba, Josue Solano, Jose Eduardo Solano and Carlos de Alba  
8) SCENE 3 - LEARNING THE ROUTES - Trixie, Carlito
9) Happiest Holiday - Written and performed by Caroline Dare          
10) The Hanukkah Mice - written by Steven Kroll, narrated by Adam Hanin  
11) The Land of Holiday Spirit - written by Mandi Crum, read by the Voxy Ladies  
12) Northern Lights - Ashley Linton and Jennifer Knight
13) SCENE 4 - BUDDING ROMANCE? / NOSEY 1 AND NOSEY 2! - Jeffrey, Kate, Thalion
14) We Get Along - (Like A House On Fire), written by Matt Alber and Martin Walters, ©2013 Matt Alber (BMI)

15) Who's Father Christmas - Glenn Hascall
16) India - written and performed by Karl Anthony with Shivani Parmar
17) A Singapore Greeting in Mandarin and English - Lisa Chan
18) SCENE 5 - NOW WHAT? A LITTLE FRIENDLY PRANK - Thalion, Carlito, Trixie
19) Little Starla, the Christmas Star - music, lyrics and vocals by Kat Fitzpatrick
20) Crackle and Blinkie's Toyshop Christmas - The Dehnart Family; Katie, John, Joanie and Chloe
21) Everyone’s a Kid at Christmas - written and performed by Johnny Douglas - IFMP - Furysongs Publishing SOCAN  
22) SCENE 6 - PRANK TIME! AND THE VERDICT IS... - Thalion, Carlito, Trixie, Santa, Mrs. Claus, Jeffery, Kate     
23) Deck the Halls - Performed by Have2Have - IFMP Honey Butter Music SESAC/Little Dumplings, courtesy of Whattaguy Records  
24) SCENE 7 - WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT! - Trixie, Carlito, Santa, Mrs. Claus, Jeffery, Kate, Thalion
25) Love Will Lead the Way Home - words, music and vocals by Peggy Lebo. Piano - John Foltz
For more about the 2013 Children's Holiday Magic Project, including how to donate to help with the costs of distribution, please visit

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