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Deconstructing Barney Fife: Pat Fraley
& Scott Burns Demo The Elements
(VOXtra) - Legendary voice star and teacher Pat Fraley offers this three-minute video instruction on how to break down a character voice to its six elements - with an assist from voice actor Scott Burns and his hilarious Barney Fife (Don Knotts in Mayberry RFD) impression.
"How much fun can teaching and learning character voice get?" says Fraley - one of the top 10 performers of all time to be cast in animated TV shows.

Click below to watch and learn now:

And here's where to contact Fraley about upcoming training:
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Comments (3)
Mitch Krayton
6/28/2011 at 1:59 PM
Thank, Pat, for sharing monkey-boy's great Don Knotts break down (or is that s-h-a-k-e-d-o-w-n- as in man on the stree?t).
Debbie Feldman
6/26/2011 at 3:44 PM
FABULOUS !!! Having grown up with Barney, and love doing character voices.........this was a treat for me. Thanks.
6/26/2011 at 10:11 AM
Dr. Pat,
Very educational...and hilarious!
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