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KingdomVoices - New Online Casting Service
Connects Talent To Faith-Based Organizations

January 21, 2013

(VOXtra) - Living Power, a company owned by voice talent Dan Hurst, has launched KingdomVoices, a specialized online casting service for voice actors. And this one is quite different.

" is designed to bridge the gap between qualified voice over talent and churches or faith-based organizations," Hurst explains. 

The concept for the website was developed by Hurst when he began noticing a gap between churches in need of quality voice over work and voice talents who were mainly focused on the standard business world clients.   

"I have a number of church and faith-based organization clients," he explains, "and several of them mentioned how difficult it was to find voice talent that shared their missional heart."

At the same time, Hurst says, he was hearing from voice talent friends how they would love the opportunity to connect with churches or related organizations for voice over. So the concept for KingdomVoices was born.  


KingdomVoices is not designed as a profit center, adds Hurst (pictured).

Instead, it is operated like a cooperative. All revenue generated by KingdomVoices goes for marketing and operation of the website.

"That’s one reason why the membership rates will be kept as low as possible," he says.

For a limited time, to attract voice talents to the new service, the introductory membership rate is only $1. 

"We will market the website to churches and faith-based organizations, but it doesn’t do anyone any good to market the site if there isn’t a good selection of voice talents on board," Hurst explains.

"Once a group of voice talents have signed on, and the marketing is in full swing, the voice talents that signed on early will be offered a year’s membership for $49. The normal rate will be $99 per year, although the company has made the commitment to keep the rates in line with whatever it costs to market and operate the site, so the rate may be lower."


As members, voice talents will post their bio, abilities and skills, preferred types of projects, audio and video demos, headshot and contact information, Hurst says.

Voice talents will be contacted freely by visitors to the site.

Also, the website will not offer "upgrades” for position on the website. The order of voice talent listings will rotate randomly. "Everyone gets an equal and fair opportunity to be noticed," Hurst says.

"There is also a place where clients can have their finished projects posted that feature a voice talent from KingdomVoices.

For more information, please visit

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Comments (7)
Debbie Irwin
1/22/2013 at 6:49 PM
It's providential. Just today I got booked for a project on the Vatican,
being produced by a faith-based organization.
I'm looking forward to learning as much as I am to voicing.

I'm Jewish, married to an Irish Catholic. While I don't consider myself religious, the older I get, the more I appreciate the teachings of all faiths.... Kindness, compassion, patience, forgiveness.

Thanks Dan, I'm looking forward to joining the ranks.
P.S. Every now and then I'm hired for live announce VOG jobs-- another sign?! ;-)
Joe Wegmann
1/22/2013 at 12:24 AM
Mr Hurst is offering opportunity, that's it. Analyzing the merits of this and/or the factions it includes or omits is an exercise in futility. It's a choice as to whether or not it's a fit for you or me, nothing more.
1/21/2013 at 4:07 PM
Great idea, Dan...but, as Paul suggests, it might need refinement. What about atheists? Are you suggesting that VoiceOver artists who might be atheists could not do a professional job of voicing religious scripts? VO artists ARE actors, no? So, it becomes a personal preference as to what kind of scripts one is willing to record, no? Just asking.
ted mcaleer
1/21/2013 at 12:51 PM
A very interesting comment, Paul. Maybe they will, or this will spur dialogue on a multi-faith based premise. But if it is exclusively Christian, I'd be willing to work on projects that did not put down other religions and promoted Christianity. But unlike the commercial market, there are several things I would not do or say, or be a part of in any way and that would have to be in my profile clearly, were I to do this. Great thought-provoking commentary.
Johnny George
1/21/2013 at 10:57 AM
What a great idea Dan. I'd be most interested.
Bob Jordan
1/21/2013 at 10:43 AM
What a brilliant concept. Count me in.
Paul Strikwerda
1/21/2013 at 9:08 AM
The premise of this new service is to "to bridge the gap between qualified voice over talent and churches or faith-based organizations." The impression I get from visiting the website is that KingdomVoices is founded by a Christian organization and primarily caters to Christian clients.

According to the website, Living Power Publishing "has been developing Bible studies for many years". It seems to offer resources from a Christian perspective. Founder Hurst is a Baptist and Kingdom theology is a Christian concept

The search-for-talent box reads:

"Kingdom-focused premier voice talent for your ministry project."

Dan Hurst writes:

"If you're a voice talent looking to make some connections that put you in touch with various ministries around the world, you've come to a place that I hope will become a regular haunt for producers."

The word "ministry" (as in the profession of being a church leader, especially in the Protestant church) is a term that will appeal to a Christian audience but not to Jews, Buddhists, Hindus or followers of Islam.

Every new service that could help voice artists make a good living, deserves the benefit of the doubt. If KingdomVoices truly wishes to appeal to all faith-based organizations, the name of this casting service and use of language should reflect the inclusion of all religious traditions. Right now, that's clearly not the case.
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