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Get Pronunciations Right! Research
Someone Else Will (Get The Job)

(VOXtra) - What do you think of someone who mispronounces your name? Probably, not much.

Now, what do you think a producer or potential client thinks of you if you submit an audition or job that mispronounces the company name ... the name of the product ... a geographical region ... or frankly, anything?

In this new 7-minute podcast, Canadian voice talent and coach Deb Munro relates from experience the critical importance of researching pronunciations to be absolutely correct in your voice over jobs and auditions.

Or, as she warns: "Someone else will care enough to get it right."

Click the arrow to learn ...

Deb Munro is a leading voice talent, coach, and owner of Chanti Productions, in the Vancouver, B.C., Canada area. She offers private voice over coaching by phone and Skype, and workshops on voice acting, business and demo prep in many Canadian cities.


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Comments (3)
Jay Lloyd
5/11/2012 at 8:30 PM
You are so right on, Deb! Even if you THINK you know how to pronounce it...double check! If you ever do a spot for anything in Prescott, AZ you MUST know it's pronounced "PRESS-kit"...not "Pres-SCOTT." It's such a simple name, but you HAVE to know what the locals know! I got nailed with a landmark called the "Mogollon Rim." I should have been suspicious, but didn't check before going live and confidently said "Moh-GOLL-on". When the laughter died down, I learned it's pronounced "MUGGY-own". Check! Check! Double-Check!
Peter Katt
5/9/2012 at 11:46 AM
It's tricky when you *think* you know how a name is pronounced, and the one in the script is actually different. This tripped up Al Roker this year at the Rose Parade. He started his career in the central New York area, where there's a small town called Pulaski that gets a lot of snow so, as a weatherman, he mentioned it frequently in the winter, and learned to pronounce it the local way: "pull-ASK-eye". But at the Rose Parade, there was a marching band from Pulaski, Wisconsin -- which is pronounced "pull-ASK-ee". He pronounced it the New York way at first, then someone must have told him the difference.
Paul J. Warwick
5/9/2012 at 10:54 AM
Great point! I remember working in West Virginia, there was a power company, a mountain and a town, I think, with the same spelling, but each had a diffrent pronunciation!
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