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The Don's 'Daily Inspiration' Is Now A 
Lifelong Bond In Erik Sheppard's Tattoo
November 4, 2010
The late voice over legend Don LaFontaine remains in our thoughts and hearts in so many ways.
"He continues to be a daily inspiration," says Erik Sheppard, voice talent and prez of Voice Talent Productions, the online voice over talent agency.
In fact, it's now a lifelong bond for Sheppard, who has tattooed an image of "The Don" to his left leg.
"He is there with me every day," Erik says, "so any way I can repay the favor and remind people of how he touched our lives makes me happy."
Erik notes that the tattoo is "Amazing work from Irish Jay at Tattoo Lou's on Long Island."
Let's have a look ...
Ouch! But what a tribute.
Erik is also organizer of the 3rd Annual New York VoiceOver Mixer, coming to the Tonic Bar in Times Square on Dec. 4.
If you'd like to contact him:
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Comments (4)
BP Smyth, Narrator
11/5/2010 at 10:43 AM
It's great to admire a voice talent. And, I guess in today's world of tattoo's a "permanent" tribute indeed. I think I'll suggest to my wife that she do the same for me on her leg. Gee, I wonder what she'll say? Let's keep our fingers crossed :)
Jan Anderson
11/4/2010 at 5:51 PM
Awesome! Now that's a tribute!!
Joseph Andrade
11/4/2010 at 3:30 PM
Hi Erik,
That looks absolutely amazing! Incredible job by the artist. Congrats, what a tribute ....
11/4/2010 at 11:52 AM
Now THAT is cool!
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