Pay: Your Goal For 2008 ...
Make It “The Year of the Spine”
By Philip Banks
Voice Talent
![]() So go the introductions around the room at the most recent meeting of Bullying Victims Anonymous, or BVA. In Los Angeles there are such groups specifically for voice-over artists.
Believe me?
Of course it’s untrue. But it ought to be true because the number of victims in the voice-over world is huge.
Combine insecurity, ego, and desperation with a sprinkling of sycophancy and cowardice and you have the perfect target for a bully.
Make it your goal not to be the victim of a bully in 2008. Make it "The Year of the Spine." And watch yourself for declining standards of behavior. HOW IT HAPPENS
Here’s an example: An agency sends you an audition for a job, but you notice that the fee is neither here nor there, and that it’s a cattle call. So you delete the audition and ask the agent to contact you only with actual jobs - or when a client has specifically requested that you audition.
Ahh. Maybe you just started to say something like:
If so, take a black marker pen and write VICTIM on your forehead, because it’ll save people time.
To quote Julia Robert’s character in Pretty Woman: “I decide who, I decide when, I decide how much!” Look in the mirror and say that out loud.
The pay-to-play (audition) voice-over web sites tell talent how much, when, where, and how to - but they pay talent nothing! Talent pays the site and then allows it to set the agenda. For $100, $200, $300 or more, the audition site should work for the voice, not the other way around.
You say “I’m a voice-over professional and I understand the way things are done.” Well, no you don’t. You’ve just fallen into line.
Try saying this to the mirror: “Oh no. I’ve become a coward.” Can you bear to repeat it? I hope not.
I’m certainly not advising you to become an arrogant, pompous moron, but I am asking you to think about the way you behave and the way you are perceived. It is possible to:
And you can do all this with a smile on your face and an agreeable manner.
When I took stock of my own attitude a few years ago, the following year my income increased by more than 50%. I slept better, too. Philip Banks is an international voice talent based in the United Kingdom – which, he says, “Thanks to technology, means nothing.” From his home studio he delivers commercials, promos/imaging, corporate voice-overs and more – including (per a whimsical note on his web site) “just making strange noises.”
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