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Bob Noble Receives Crystal Reel Award
For UFO Adventure Audiobook Narration
December 7, 2010
The Florida Motion Picture & Television Association has honored voice talent and actor Bob Noble with a Crystal Reel Award for Noble's narration of the audiobook, UFOs - God's Celestial Air Force.
The two-hour audio adventure into the realm of Unidentified Flying Objects was actually more than a narration performance for Noble, who explains in an earlier VoiceOverXtra article that he worked with author M.P. Marshall for three years to bring the project to audio.
Here's the plot:
Traveling through outer space at warp speed, an old Guardian Angel, Gabriel, links up with an investigative TV reporter to head off the ultimate destruction of planet Earth. The action, with music and sound effects, takes place on their space craft, Pulsar 1.
Internet downloads of the audiobook are available at the, and Barnes & Noble websites.
Bob Noble has been a voice talent and actor in motion pictures, television and theatre for more than 40-years.
He is a member of the Audio Publishers Association, the Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists, and the International Game Developers Association. He works from his home studio in Orlando, FL.
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Comments (1)
Paul J. Warwick
12/8/2010 at 9:36 AM
Congrats Bob!
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