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September Is National Voice Over Appreciation
Month - Spread The Word, Use In Marketing
September 1, 2010
It's National Voice Over Appreciation Month (NVOAM) - a time for you to shine.
The event has been launched with the support of a consortium of high-profile VO businesses, coaches, individuals, agencies, subscription sites and supporters including VoiceOverXtra.
The official announcement comes from the offices of the Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists (SaVoa), with planned month-long promotions, marketing opportunities and news releases.
Available today at the event website ( are marketing suggestions, including a sample news release which you might want to personalize with info about yourself for local media.
The event offers the opportunity for voice actors of every stripe to raise awareness about the industry, and to educate the consumer about their work.
“Voice actors create various spoken products that are heard by viewers and listeners in a broad spectrum of media,” says Dave Courvoisier (pictured), voice actor and member of SaVoa’s Advisory Board.
“People don’t realize that practically every city and town in America has voice actors working out of a private studio in their home,” he notes.
Courvoisier, also a TV news anchor with KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, is the NVOAM organizer, webmaster and chief cheerleader. 
Early contributors who also helped form the idea, content and distribution of NVOAM materials include voice actors Peter K. O'Connell, Amy Snively, Bob Souer, John Florian, Dan Lenard and Terry Daniel.
O'Connell adds,
“Today, with the explosion of communication tools brought on by the success of the Internet, just a small sample of the places voice talents’ work can be heard around the world includes computers, stadiums and arenas, video games, telephone systems, airports, colleges and universities, and the Internet as well as television and radio.”
And yet, the majority of voice over talents work as individuals.
An event like September’s NVOAM helps build pride in the far-flung community of voice over professionals.
The industry is known for it’s supportive camaraderie, as evidenced by the traffic at online forum sites like the VO-BB and Voice Over Universe.
While there is a fascination with the mystique of voice overs, most of the general public doesn’t quite understand how a voice over talent actually interfaces with the vast media/advertising marketplace.
National Voice Over Awareness Month hopes to change that. Voice actors are encouraged to:
  • freely spread the word about NVOAM,
  • use the NVOAM logo on their website,
  • link to the NVOAM website,, and
  • use the NVOAM occasion in their marketing and self-promotion tools.
“This is our month to come out of the studio and spread the word about the valuable service we provide," Courvoisier says. "Let's talk about the challenges of our work and honor the indefatigable spirit of voice actors everywhere – freelancers in the finest creative and entrepreneurial tradition."
Whereas Voice Over talent live and work in communities everywhere across the globe, supporting their families and their cities and towns with their talents…

Whereas Voice Overs ubiquitously and quietly contribute to many and varied sorts of original productions, benefiting businesses, advertisers, and consumers with their creativity…

Whereas the business of Voice Overs has grown, matured, developed, and achieved an indispensible status in the marketplace…

Whereas the community of Voice Over talent by and large comprise a most singular and exceptional hard-working support group for each other…

Whereas the abilities required to be a successful voice talent borrow from and demand proficiency in many endeavors (not the least of which are marketing, promotions, sales, bookkeeping, hardware, software and internet)…

And whereas Voice Over artists everywhere strive to elevate the status of their industry and their professional excellence to a higher standard…

….We Therefore, as the Executive Board of the Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists (SaVoa) do hereby declare September to be:

To keep up with event activities and take advantage of NVOAM marketing opportunities, visit the website often:


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Comments (1)
Rory O'Shea - imedge communications
9/2/2010 at 9:26 AM
I applaud the efforts of those raising this flag of recognition and awareness. However, considering this initiative is to shine a global spotlight, I'd like to suggest the title "International" vs. "National". Cheers!
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