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Deb Munro coaches in workshops in many cities, and also by phone in TeleVoice Workouts from her studio.
Pump Up Your VO Skills With Deb Munro's
TeleVoice Workouts ... 'Exercise' At Home
Feb. 27, 2009
The economy may be slowing down, but not award-winning Canadian voice actor and coach Deb Munro, based near Vancouver, B.C. She's in LA this weekend, presenting another popular VoiceOver Workout and Talking Audio weekend workshop.
This one features guest instructors Marc Graue of the Marc Graue Voice Over Studios, and George Whittam, of Eldorado Recording Services. (Are spaces available? Check with Deb at 604-459-5559;
These weekends move on to many other cities, including a possible return to Marc Graue's famed recording studio in Burbank, CA, in early May or June.
Meanwhile, the action can move into your home studio with Munro's TeleVoice Workouts - group coaching sessions for small groups of voice talent, by phone.
Slated next for March 25, the two-hour classes are offered on the last Wednesday of every month in two time slots, from 2 to 4 p.m. ET and 8 to 10 p.m. ET.
"All levels are welcome, and you can work on current auditions - giving you a better shot at a job - or work on a script customized to your needs," Munro explains. All participants will receive equal mic time, she adds.
Munro is a busy voice talent, and also lead organizer of the VoiceLympics Voice Over Cruise, which will board voice actors on the Norwegian Pearl for an educational and partying sea voyage from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Sept. 21-26.  
And how does one handle such an active life? By working lots of hours, of course. But voice actor Brad Venable - based in Tulsa, OK, has joined Munro's Mic 'N Me team as her "right hand." Venable is also an event producer for the VoiceLympics Cruise, and may be contacted at
FYI ...
Munro's Creating Voices CD-ROM "home workshop" is now also available in audio CD format, for playing in the car or uploading to an iPod.
Featuring instruction in all voice-over genres, including how to create characters, interpret scripts and more, the CD set is offered at a discount to people who mention VoiceOverXtra.

The Voice Biz Handbook, detailing how to create a voice-over business, is also avaiable to VoiceOverXtra readers at a discount. 
For details and to register for Munro’s workshops, you may contact her at; 604-459-5559.
Details are also available at her web site: Check the CALENDAR of EVENTS in the left column of that page.
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