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A G-R-E-A-T Year Ahead?
Yes, If YOU Make It Happen 
By Bobbin Beam
Voice Actor
Jan. 1, 2010
Oh boy, 2010 is here. The first decade of the 21st Century is over.
My mind’s been buzzing with ideas about what I’d like to accomplish in 2010 and beyond.  But I dislike using the term, “resolutions.” I think there’s too much temptation to fall off the resolution wagon by Valentine’s Day.
That said, at the ending of one year, there’s a need many of us have to clear the slate and begin anew - which I wholeheartedly subscribe to.
Instead of making resolutions, I lean toward the concept of goal-setting, also known as strategic planning.
As I embark into a new decade, it’s time to assess. Not just the previous year, but indeed the last decade.
It’s amazing to reflect on where I was and what’s transpired in my personal and professional realities since watching the ball drop around the world on New Year’s Eve in 1999 to usher in the new millennium.
If you won a million dollars, would you still want to be a voice actor?
For me, yes! Even if I won $25 million!
I’ve been hanging out from time to time at my local library, and picking up some outstanding books on personal development, in book and audio form.
I also subscribe to Jim Rohn’s (RIP) Seeds of Success updates via email.
And I’ve been perusing various discussions in online groups that address topics affecting our industry.
One of the books discusses the idea that many people think success means having a great life. However, true success is really about making a great life.
This means that you must make a conscious effort to make things happen, not just to let them randomly happen.
With that in mind, here's my formula for making a G-R-E-A-T year ... 
  • Start with dreams. And then turn them into clear and specific goals.
  • Define your future vision for yourself - creating specific goals that you want to achieve and a deadline to accomplish them.
  • Write your goals and look at them every day. In this way, you'll reinforce your efforts daily and direct thoughts toward accomplishing your goals - your dreams.
  • Do whatever it takes to make them happen.
  • Write down what will be needed, in order of priority, to go the distance. This will make a difference by defining and realizing.
  • Do something every day that will move you closer to critical success, and never quit. Persistence counts!
  • Be results oriented. Commit to excellence, because it is expected in order to keep up with the competition.
  • Compare your business disposition with the previous year to date, and set benchmarks.
  • Know your financial numbers. Having better knowledge and control of your finances will allow for better creativity, which in turn will fuel your growth.
  • Break the bonds of self-doubt, and get better at what you do daily.
  • Small differences in ability - consistently - will make you emerge as one of the best in the industry.
  • To stay on top of the constant changes in this business, never stop learning. 
  • Find your strengths and weaknesses, and your unique competitive advantage.
  • Ask: what is your area of specialization, and what will it be in the future?
  • Know that If you do the same things over and over, the same way because it's comfy, you’ll be left behind.
  • Get feedback from voice coaches.
  • Segment and identify your perfect niche and know your customers: You’ll be naturally drawn to your natural talent and want to learn to get better and better at it. These insights will reveal your true calling.
  • Let yourself go and throw yourself into your work, as you discover and develop your talent and work to become the very best in your field.
  • Don’t just pay “lip service” (no pun intended) or write goals without an intention to act on them.
  • Break down goals, issues and problems into smaller tasks that can be handled in a day, or
  • List projects that need to be accomplished the following day, and review them before going to bed. Chances are you’ll be able to breeze through them and stay on task better. 
  • Concentration on your focus is key to success.
  • Time is your most valuable asset. Be mindful of all daily activities for the highest energy and return on your career.
  • We all are given the same precious amount of time in every 24-hour day. Spend it on what you really want to achieve.
  • Read for an hour or two a day about our industry, enriching your grey matter.
  • Pay attention to the things that will keep you progressing.
  • Don’t waste time on mindless pursuits.
  • Know what activities represent value to you and your goals. Keep your mindset anchored to your goal.
Oh yes, I, like a lot of people, am also setting a goal to eat better in the new year and to shed that holiday pooch.
My leader at Weight Watchers has inspired me with this quote:
“Watch your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions ... your actions become your habits ... and your habits become your destiny.”
Make it a GREAT 2010!
Bobbin Beam is a very active voice talent, based in the San Diego - Los Angeles area, who specializes in projects for broadcast and business. She also writes a very entertaining and informative blog, Bobbin's Blog.




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Comments (7)
1/4/2010 at 11:12 AM
Enjoyed this article, many things to ponder that we as voice artists forget. Thanks, and best wishes in your endeavors in the New Year!!!
Craig Crumpton
1/3/2010 at 5:06 PM
Encouraging and motivating. Thanks, Bobbin.
Bobbin Beam
1/2/2010 at 6:45 PM
Thank you one & all, and to all a GREAT Year! I am excited for the future. Can you tell? :)
Best, Bobbin
John Duncan
1/2/2010 at 3:38 PM
Great primer for the new year. Thanks much. One quick correction...The new decade begins in 2011, not 2010 ...
Derek Chappell
1/2/2010 at 2:50 PM
Bobbin, It's people like you, who create such wonderful insight for the rest of us, that makes this such a wonderful industry to be a part of. I've printed your article and tacked it to my wall above my desk to look at every day!!
1/2/2010 at 8:28 AM
Bobbin . . . thanks for a G-R-E-A-T roadmap for moving onward and upward in 2010. I wish you the BE$T!
Bettye Zoller
1/2/2010 at 12:44 AM
This is a wonderful article, dear Bobbin. All the best to you in the New Year and always.
Your friend, Bettye Zoller
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