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Three Simple 'Spring Training'
Tips For Your Voice Over Career
By Bobbin Beam
Voice Actor
March 27, 2011

How has 2011 been going so far? Unbelievable as it seems, we’re already facing the completion of the first quarter of 2011.
And it's already time for baseball's Opening Day. So let's take a swing at revitalizing your voice over efforts.

Have you been focused on self-improvement and bettering your game?

In baseball, there's the tradition of Spring Training. Players convene in warm places like Arizona and Florida to get in shape for the upcoming season.
Management evaluates talent. Players focus on the fundamentals of their game.

What emerges from this training are players who know:
  • what they do well, and
  • what’s needed to improve
Those of us far from the world of sports would do well to borrow a few lessons from the training regimen. Following are three suggestions.

Reconnect. You need to know the role you’re expected to play in controlling your business.
It is also a time to consider what challenges lie ahead and how you’ll plan to address them.

Reinforce fundamentals. Players come to spring training to practice their craft.
Many voice actors may find it necessary to learn new skills, too. Maintaining the status quo skill-wise means you are falling behind.
What new things must you learn to stay current, as well as help your career advance?

Reevaluate where you stand. For players, spring is a time to consider how much work they need to do to get back into playing condition.
Similarly, we need to find time to measure our performance against last year.
How are your current actions helping you succeed?
Revisit your goals, business plan or New Year resolutions and look at your “batting average” on booking auditions.
Consider moving forward by getting some voice coaching.

Review where you’re at and to your energies into improvement.
We must not overlook something else that baseball - coming as it does in the spring - perhaps does best: Renew Purpose.
Ultimately, spring training is about hope. It is a time to focus on the "what might be" scenarios, be it winning the next audition, booking a regional spot, or even hitting the World Series with a national TV commercial.

Renewing purpose is an essential part of being and staying in business for the long haul.
So now is the time to focus on the work - and also to celebrate the possibilities.
Make every day "Opening Day." Batter up!
Bobbin Beam is a very active voice talent, based in the San Diego - Los Angeles area, who specializes in projects for broadcast and business. She also writes a very entertaining and informative blog, Bobbin's Blog.


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Comments (2)
Bobbin Beam
3/28/2011 at 12:44 PM
I have learned so much from you along the way, and am duly impressed with your vocal booth construction. I recognized that in my own business... and built a booth. It's improved the audio quality 100%!
Paul Strikwerda
3/28/2011 at 7:08 AM
I'd love to go to a warm place for my spring training, Bobbin! For now, I am creating one at home. I asked myself this question:

What is the ONE practical thing I can do to give an immediate boost to my voice-over career?

The answer: Do what the New York Yankees did and build a brand new stadium!

After months of research I ordered my materials and - taking advantage of the wonderful spring-like weather - construction started this weekend.

Within a matter of weeks I'll have a 7' x 7' vocal booth, ready for the first of many home runs!
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