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Registration Opens For Giant 3-Day
Online Conference: Voice Over Virtual

June 26, 2013

(VOXtra) - Registration has opened for Voice Over Virtual, the first-ever online voice over training and networking conference for voice over actors at all career levels, and those considering a career and jobs in voice acting.  

The three-day main event takes place on September 18-20, 2013, featuring:
  • 50+ voice over training sessions from the industry’s top voice actors and coaches,
  • an interactive exhibit hall for shopping and learning about home studio audio equipment and voice over products and services, and
  • social media-style networking and interaction.  

Participants will attend this unprecedented conference at neither a hotel nor a convention center, but instead, affordably online in the convenience of their homes or from any personal device with an Internet connection.  

Event details and a premiere registration discount are available now at  


At Voice Over Virtual, training will be presented in career tracks to allow participants to focus on specific genres, including audiobooks, home studio audio production, voice over business and marketing, and voice acting techniques.  

Training will address all levels of voice over experience, from newcomers to mid-level and advanced professionals. For instance:
  • A session will introduce voice over beginners to the voice over business.
  • Advanced professionals will receive advanced voice acting and home studio production training. And,
  • All career levels will learn essential business, marketing, audio technical and voice acting techniques.  
Special sessions will feature Pro-On-Pro interviews with top voice over professionals, and others include:
  • The Future of Voice Over, led by Edge Studio's David Goldberg
  • Voice Over: For Women Only, featuring the Voxy Ladies,
  • Good Acting Vs. Bad Acting - A Demonstration, with Pat Fraley, and
  • Home Studio Experts Roundtable hosted by EWABS' Dan Lenard and George Whittam
In the voice over Agents and Casting Directors Hall, participants can schedule private online career meetings with agents and casting directors, including evaluations of their voice over demos, which are key marketing tools for obtaining voice over jobs.  

Access to on-demand recordings of all sessions will be available to registrants until November 30, 2013, which makes the entire event customizable for participants to enjoy according to their own personal schedule.  

Voice Over Virtual
emcee Dave Courvoisier explains that conference attendees will have access to a VoicePlex Theater, an interactive online Exhibit Hall, and virtual Meeting Rooms and Hang Out Lounges.

Now under construction, the VoicePlex Theater will feature four view screens for separate tracks and links to educational presentations hosted by more than 50 of the industry’s leading professionals.

Each presenter’s Meeting Room will offer opportunities for additional info, including real-time text chats and Q&A sessions.

Pro-On-Pro split screen interviews will include The Essence of Audiobook Narration, featuring 2013 Audie Award-winners Simon Vance and Katie Kellgren, asking each other unrehearsed questions in an unedited Q&A.


A virtual Exhibit Hall features an array of mouse-clickable booths where attendees can learn about voice over equipment, products and services, and chat with manufacturers and distributors.

Scores of Meeting Rooms will be open for personal and group online chats with voice over trainers and coaches, and learning about their services.

And networking opportunities will abound at online Hang Out Lounges such as Tom’s Tiki Lounge, the Chance Encounter Café and Home Studio Helpers. Seasoned professionals as well as industry newcomers can discuss home studios topics, voice acting tips, or any topic they wish to explore in other lounges.


Voice Over Virtual’s live online Open House Reception on September 7 will acquaint current and future registrants to the virtual environment with how-to videos, pre-shows, and games.

Hosted by Anne Ganguzza, founder of the VO Peeps voice over meet-up group, the event will be entertaining, educational, and an opportunity to "meet” many Voice Over Virtual trainers and team members.  


The conference is produced by VoiceOverXtra LLC, which is the voice over industry’s premier online news, education and resource center.

Creative consultants and voice over industry insiders involved in the conference are:  
  • Producer: John Florian, voice talent and founder/publisher of the voice over news and training website;
  • Event Director: Denise Chamberlain, voice talent and professional event manager;
  • Production Director: Dan Lenard voice talent, Home Studio Master audio guru, and co-host of the East West Audio Body Shop (EWABS) Ustream TV show;
  • Virtual Emcee and Social Media Director: Dave Courvoisier, voice talent and award-winning Las Vegas TV news anchor;
  • Exhibits & Sponsors Director: Martha Kahn, voice talent and VoiceOverXtra's Marketing & Sales Director;
  • Business Director: Elizabeth Holmes, voice talent and business consultant;
  • Event Consultants: James Alburger and Penny Abshire, voice talents, trainers, and co-producers of the VOICE conventions;
  • Marketing Consultant: Tom Dheere, voice talent and voice over marketing and business consultant;
  • Special Events Producer, Anne Ganguzza, voice talent and founder of the VO Peeps voice over meet-up group, and
  • Social Media Monitor: Christopher Lula, actor and VoiceOverXtra exhibits staffer  

For information and to register for Voice Over Virtual, please visit

You may also contact:

General Event and Registrations: Denise Chamberlain, Event Director
Phone: 760-802-0037

Sponsorships and Exhibits: Martha Kahn, Sponsorships and Exhibits Director
Phone: 760-652-5886

Production: Dan Lenard, Production Director
Email :
Phone : 716-689-8179

Voice Over Virtual Producer: John Florian, Founder/Publisher VoiceOverXtra LLC
Phone: 203-459-8834

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Comments (4)
Sean Daeley
6/26/2013 at 11:25 PM
John, this whole event sounds amazing! Nothing like it has ever been done (obviously) and I hope my VO peers are chomping at the bit to register like I am. I`m a total newb, and this literally has me drooling at the mouth. And the added bonuses from Edge Studio and Audiofile? That`s huge! You`ve done something groundbreaking here, and I wish you the utmost success. This may be the first VOV, but I doubt it will be the last!
Rebecca Michaels Haugh aka LoveThatRebecca
6/26/2013 at 9:17 AM
Awesome firstness and excitement for this big event - KUDOS to all coordinating and founding. I look forward to interviewing Dave on LoveThatVoiceover (my radio show) so we can get even more details!
PAmela Tansey
6/26/2013 at 8:02 AM
Dan Deslaurier
6/26/2013 at 6:01 AM
John, this sounds most impressive - as I read down the column, I kept thinking to myself, "Wow, this event seems to have been really well-thought out." I will be sure to check out the website, check in for updates and look forward to the September Open House. As ever, thank you John for being my daily go-to for VO news and resources -VoiceOverXtra! is my first stop of the day (after my coffee machine of course!)

Be well,
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