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Ed Victor's new Whisper Room booth, right, is a studio-in-a-studio, which he installed in about one day.
Ed Victor - Whisper Room Update
Voice Talent
Ed Victor's cool gray Florida home studio and VO career are profiled in an earlier Home Studio Tour report, in which he mentions winning the Florida Lottery (VO gigs, not the jackpot), and the critical need to maintain "dead silence" in the studio. Toward that end, he recently made a new purchase ...
The key to any great recording is keeping it quiet. Real quiet. So the newest member of my studio "family" - lovingly referred to as the John Wilkes Booth - is my new Whisper Room.
I purchased the enhanced model (MDL484E), which means it's actually a room-inside-a-room, with Auralex foam in between, and double-thick windows on the door and wall.
This reduces extraneous sound by 75% - so now my recording sessions are as clean as Hannah Montana.
Arriving in 25 boxes on a crate from the factory in Tennessee, the booth took me about a day to build.
It measures 4 feet by 4 feet, is about 7 feet high, and weighs 1,400 pounds. An automatic fan sucks out the hot air.
I further customized John Wilkes with a video monitor on a swinging mount, a shelf, and wireless keyboard and mouse - so that I don't have to get out of the booth to do sessions. My mic is a Neumann TLM with pop screen.
Step inside! A copy stand is on the right side. And Ed added a video monitor and shelf with computer keyboard and mouse that lets him stay inside the booth to record and edit.
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