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New Year's Eve: How To Protect
Your Throat - And Still Have Fun
Dec. 27, 2007
By Susan Berkley
The Great Voice Company
We're coming up fast on the biggest party night of the year. But if you're not careful, you can end up with a sore throat and a good case of laryngitis on New Years Day.
Here are some great ways to protect your voice and still enjoy the holiday fun.
Your vocal chords need to remain moist if they are to stay healthy. Alcoholic beverages are dehydrating, and so is cigarette smoke and dry winter air.
Keep drinking water throughout the night and especially before you go to bed. It will help ease a hangover the next day.
New Year's Eve parties can get pretty raucous. When that ball drops at midnight, let the other people do the screaming.
Yelling is one of the worst things you can do to your voice.
Speech pathologist Dr. Susan Miller told me that if you yell after taking an aspirin, you risk vocal chord hemorrhage - a serious condition. It has something to do with aspirin being a blood thinner.
If you need a pain killer on the 31st, use an aspirin substitute, such as Tylenol, instead.
If you smoke, you don't need me to tell you about the health hazards, not to mention the permanent damage to your voice.
Stopping smoking is a New YeaR's resolution you must keep. It's the #1 thing within your control to ensure a great voice for a successful voice-over career and a happy, healthy life.
I love 'em and never go out in the cold winter air without one. However, according to my doctor, they don't "warm" your vocal folds and protect your voice. Who knew?
Susan Berkley is a top voice-over artist and is the voice of AT&T and Citibank. She is the author of Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Voice and president of The Great Voice Company, helping to turbocharge the careers of emerging and professional voice talent worldwide. Visit her web site for more information and a free subscription to the Inside Voiceover e-zine.
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