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Should You Have A Voice Over App?
App-Happy Joe Says 'Yes' And Why

March 28, 2013

By Joe Loesch

Voice Talent & Coach

The hot trend and rage these days is mobile devices, smartphones, tablets, and lots of apps to make life easier to manage ... apps for just about anything. Games, Lifestyle, Getting Organized, Travel, Maps, etc.

So I thought I should have an app for my business, too.

I made contact with a friend who is a web and technology expert to find out more. He confirmed that mobile is where everything is going.

And the statistics he shared with me were staggering:
  • 95% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of receiving them,
  • over 50% of mobile searches are for local businesses, and
  • in 2013, there will be more people who own mobile devices than PCs.
What's more, today's consumer keeps their smart phone within arms reach 24/7 every day. So if mobile is where things are, then my business needed to be mobile friendly.


Most websites are not mobile friendly, and statistics show that people take about three seconds to view a site and then move on if they have a bad mobile experience.

I knew my own website wasn’t mobile friendly and I needed help. I contacted my friend Keith, a technology consultant who builds websites and apps, and asked him to explain the basics.

He told me there are two types of mobile:
  1. websites: simplified versions of your website, and 
  2. apps: downloadable and native to your phone, providing a more interactive experience than a mobile website


So I created the app you see here.

Apps can tap into many features of the phone, such as one-touch calling, GPS, camera, video, audio, text messages and much more. This allows a rich interactive experience between the app and the user.

Even sharing my app is as simple as sending a text message to someone. It’s like having my own marketing department built right into the app.

By providing an app for my clients and prospects, my business now is just a touch away, with:
  • push notifications,
  • voice notes,
  • a store,
  • my demo work, and
  • options to sign up for my newsletter, to name a few.
The capabilities are limitless, and possibilities are endless.


Of course, like for any good business, I have to market my app and let people know how to get it.

But thanks to QR Codes (pictured here, top for Androids, bottom for iPhone) I can promote my app almost anywhere: on my website(s), business card, brochures, posters, etc. With one simple scan on your phone or mobile device, you're automatically directed to download my app from the Apple or Google stores in minutes.

As a voice over coach, I have found that having an app has been a tremendous asset to my business.

People can easily book appointments and classes, hear about my demo services, receive updates and notifications from me instantly, and stay connected with me on Facebook, Twitter and more, all from within my app.

And that’s just a few of the benefits an app can bring any business.

My app can be found by searching Joe Loesch on iTunes or Google Play, or just scan the QR codes here. Download The Voice Actor and imagine the benefits of an app for your own voice over business!
Joe Loesch is a popular and multi-talented voice actor, author vocalist and coach, based in Nashville. As a voice talent, he is the voice of many cartoon characters on the Disney channel, and he narrates and produces audiobooks for Harper Collins, Zondervan Publishing and The Lampo Group. He has voiced dozens of commercials for national advertisers, and as an actor has appeared in many national TV commercials. He also recorded and produced Dave Ramsey’s Junior’s Adventures audio CDs, including performing all voice work on the project.


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Comments (9)
Michael Rosenthal
4/3/2013 at 6:18 PM
So how do I set up my App?
Bettye Zoller
3/29/2013 at 10:49 PM
Joe Loesch is a real "force" in our vo industry. I've had the pleasure of teaching seminars with him several times and hope to do so again! And he's always on the cutting edge of technology. This article is great. Don't just read it---give it out to your students and friends and do an app yourself! Ask Joe more about it.
Cathi Boswell
3/29/2013 at 8:02 PM
Joe, one thing I love about you is that you are so futuristic! You blend business sense with creativity for a powerful new way to connect with others, keep your followers engaged while putting yourself out in front of the crowd. Two thumbs up!
3/29/2013 at 2:07 AM
When I'm Mobile clients, in the VO industry and elsewhere, are using a different kind of app: the Web App. This strategy combines the best that the mobile web has to offer, with powerful native app features. The concept can be seen by visiting, and on your mobile device of choice, including those for which native apps are rarely produced, such as BlackBerry and Windows Phones
Tim George
3/28/2013 at 6:05 PM
Great stuff Joe, I was sold the minute I downloaded your app. I'm in the process of major rebranding and an app is definitely going to be part of my package!
Rick Lance
3/28/2013 at 2:28 PM

I have to admit I don't yet have my website formatted for mobile devices. Just did some design tweaks, though. Since as a society we seem to be consolidating functions of various things, your app looks like a great way to bundle up our business activities. Good job!

Even the microphone icon looks a bit like you, ya know... silver on top with a few wholes! Hee, hee...
Rich Prather
3/28/2013 at 11:59 AM
Thanks for sharing this. Excellent!
Rodney Saulsberry
3/28/2013 at 10:03 AM
This is great Joe! Ground breaking cutting edge information. The statistic about more people owning mobile devices than PCs sold me. Thanks for sharing.
Judy Fossum
3/28/2013 at 9:49 AM
Very interesting, Joe. I have wondered about the whole app thing, how it would apply to voice over and its relevance. I've most certainly heard about mobile being the wave of the future, and the statistics you quoted prove that. I'm thinking more and more that this is the way to go. Thank you for sharing the information.
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