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Do You Have An Emotional Connection
To Clients And Their Voice Over Copy?
November 1, 2013

At the Voice Over Virtual online conference, the author presents Recipes for Success, a marvelous on-demand collection of video interviews with top voice actors for their recipes for voice over career success - including their favorite food recipes! Advice comes from Bob Souer, Doug Turkel, Dustin Ebaugh, J. Michael Collins, Tom Dheere and others. DETAILS.

By Christi Bowen
Voice Actor

Emotional connections - that's what all businesses want. Clients, customers, employees, the community ... they want all of these people to be emotionally connected to their brand and what they offer. 

But how do you get to that emotional connection? What do you have to do in your marketing to achieve the relationship that will sustain your business, grow your numbers, expand your influence? 

That's the million dollar question.   


Every interaction with your clients should be based on an emotional connection to achieve the best results. 

Building relationships - good emotions - with clients, peers, customers, employees ... it's all good and what will grow and sustain your business. 

There's a lot of love in the world and connecting to it for your business should be top priority.  


I'm reminded of what my dad said to me when I was a high school senior and thinking about career choices. I knew I wanted to be in entertainment (TV production, news, advertising) in some capacity. 

We looked at the "average salaries" and it was scary how little that career path would make. I expressed some concern, even though I knew that's where my heart lay, and my dad said, "Do what you love. The money will come." 

That is the best advice I've ever been given and something I think about every day. Because it's true for me. I do what I love and the money is coming.  


I have an emotional connection to my work - I'm in love with my career as a voice talent. It brings me joy.

That joy is then "heard" by my clients. I share my joy by creating an emotional connection for my client's product.

Because I love what I do, it can be heard - which is the point of a good voice over. Finding the emotional connection in a piece of copy - whether it's a phone message, corporate training video or commercial - is what it's all about.  

I hope you, too, can find the emotional connections in your business, be it with your customers, clients, employees or the larger community your business serves. 
Based in Nashville, Christi Bowen is a professional voice talent with 20 years of experience in voice over and video production. She has developed a roster of clients world-wide for many types of projects, from commercials and corporate narrations to eLearning modules and phone system recordings.


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Comments (3)
Thierry Laflamme
11/1/2013 at 11:09 AM
Merci Christi. Your article is a precious tool that has the ability to motivate each of us in order to bring the best of what we can offer in studio. At the end, everyone benefits from an - emotional connection -: the client, the voice director, and... the voice actor.

Truly inspirational. Thanks for sharing!
Ken Karp
11/1/2013 at 11:09 AM
Fine points, all.

If this business is about anything, it's about connecting emotionally. My outstanding, sadly departed, coach, Connie Zimet, asked me early on, 'what is it you're selling?' I went with the obvious... 'whatever product or service I was voicing.' Wrong. Foremost, you're selling your own satisfaction with, and belief in, that product or service, a key distinction that goes to emotional connection.

Separately, one of the joys of having an ongoing client for a recurring project who is a particularly fine person is, over time, implicitly knowing what they want and taking pride in delivering consistently.
Joe Loesch
11/1/2013 at 9:40 AM
Christi is one of my favorite people and one of my favorite voice actors to work with. She always tells it like it is. Nice article Christi. It's not like it's stuff we don't know, but yet this serves a reminder of how to live life to it's fullest. Sometimes we just forget and need someone like you to remind us. Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life!
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