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Demos: Get 'Em Lighting Fireworks ...
Ignite With June 30 Bettye Zoller Webinar
June 21, 2010
Soon you could be declaring freedom from DEMO FEAR: the worries that your first - or updated - demo:
1) won't be "right" to catch the approving nods of producers, agents and other prospects; and that
2) you might be paying too much for demo production.
The voice of experience will tell you how to ease those fears - how to light demo fireworks economically - on Wednesday night, June 30.
That's when award-winning voice talent and voice-over coach Bettye Zoller delivers Free From Demo Fear, a brand new webinar presented by VoiceOverXtra.
As the next installment in her monthly webinar series (which, by the way, continues to set attendance records), this webinar is designed to "free you from the worry of financial excess and stress," says Zoller.
She'll reveal techniques and share decades of experience and advice from agents and producers to help you economically create your first demo, or update an existing one.
"While a demo is an expenditure all voice talents must expect and plan for, and while 'cheap' doesn't necessarily mean 'good' in most cases, there are intelligent choices for saving money without sacrificing quality," she says.
In the convenience of your home, this webinar will reveal:
  • Why your first demo should last about 16 months,
  • How a redo can be an edit, not a completely new demo,
  • The best way to rehearse for a demo,
  • Guidelines for choosing a demo producer,
  • How much is too much money to spend,
  • How to tell if your demo is working for you,
  • If you need more than one demo,
  • How to avoid demo minefields and scams, and
  • Much more.
As a registered attendee, you will also receive a free recording of the entire webinar to download to your computer - in case you can't attend the live session, and also for future reference.
Tuition for this live and recorded guidance is just $44.95.
For details and to register, please click here:
"Watch out for demo scams," Zoller adds. "Stories abound about companies that make demos in just one hour, without rehearsing or preparation.
"Never ever try to make a demo without guidance from a professional - an experienced voice-over talent and audio producer," she warns.
"Approach it with lots of rehearsing, coaching and practice so that you'll sound fabulous."
For details and to register, please click here:
Based in Dallas and owner of the VoicesVoices audio production and voice-over education company, Zoller brings a lifetime of entertainment and media experience to her webinars, workshops and educational materials (books and CDs).
Starting as a child actor on the MGM movie lot, Zoller today is a multi-award winning voice actor, singer and trainer.
Called “One of the legends of our business” by Backstage West magazine, she is also an audiobook publisher, reader and producer - and the author of many books and CDs including The Voice of Experience - her inside look at the politics and secrets of studio singing and voice-overs.
For details and to register now, please click here:
“A webinar is fun and easy to attend,” notes VoiceOverXtra’s John Florian. “You just sign in by computer or phone, and then watch, listen and send us questions by text or 'raise your hand' to ask us verbally – all live!
Also, the sessions are recorded and emailed the next day to all registered attendees. That's handy for review - or in the event of missing the live session.
Tuition is an economical $44.95 to both attend the event live and receive the recording to download.
For details and to register now, please click here:
Or, contact Florian at; 203-459-8834.
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