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VOICE 2014 In Anaheim August 27-30: Largest
Industry Event For Education, Networking, Fun

February 28, 2014

(VOXtra) - It's where many voice over veterans first networked and learned from colleagues and trainers back in 2007 - and today remains the largest international convention for voice actors: The bi-annual VoiceOver International Creative Experience.

More popularly known as the VOICE convention, now in its fifth edition, VOICE 2014 returns to Southern California this year, converging on the Anaheim Hilton - next to Disneyland - from August 27 to 30. Like VOICE 2012, the site is adjacent to Disneyland, but this is a different hotel.

In addition to days of educational sessions, networking and the opportunity to meet the industry's top professionals is indeed a high priority for attendees.

Over the years, the list of VO pros who have been a part of VOICE is an industry "Who's Who" talent roster, for instance, including Rob Paulson and Maurice LaMarche (Pinky and the Brain), Bill Farmer (Goofy), Wally Wingert (Tonight Show with Jay Leno), Don LaFontaine, Beau Weaver, Nancy Wolfson, June Foray, Stew Herrera, Dave Fennoy, Camille Dixon (voice of Disney's California Adventure), Bill Rogers (voice of Disneyland), Bob Bergen (Porky Pig), Richard Horvitz, Patrick Fraley (4,000 character voices), Scott Brick (top Audiobook narrator), and dozens more.  

Actors, producers and directors also attend.

"The VOICE convention is all about bringing the performing community together - and that includes on-camera and stage actors," says James Alburger, co-producer of the convention and owner of VoiceActing Studios in San Diego.

"In fact, voice over is one of the most challenging forms of performance," he adds, "and when an actor understands voiceover, their other acting skills skyrocket."  

Attendees travel from around the world to be at VOICE, with talents from Australia, the U.K., Germany, Canada, Philippines, Argentina and other countries already planning to attend VOICE 2014, says Alburger.


More than two dozen of the world's top voice over professionals from four countries this year will be teaching programs for voice talent at all levels of experience, in topics ranging from self-direction, home studio acoustics, branding, vocal health, career building, marketing and more.

"Most of the VOICE 2014 programs are specifically aimed to help the more advanced voice actor take their work to the next level," Alburger explains.   

Penny Abshire, convention co-producer and host of the popular Facebook group, Positive Thinkers UNITE! adds:

 "VOICE 2014 is sub-titled 'Better than Ever' and this theme focuses on motivation, developing professional standards and improving skills in all areas of voice over performance and business operation."

As part of this theme the convention will feature a major Las Vegas entertainer and motivational presenter.


The VOICE convention also features a full Exhibit Hall where attendees personally experience the latest in microphones, audio equipment and many other products and services  designed for the voice over professional.

"A key component of the VOICE convention is our Exhibit Hall," notes Curt Byk, Director of Convention Sales.

"We strive to give our attendees access to the latest technology, products and services that will help them improve their voice over work in many ways. We also have several programs that are specifically dedicated to the technology of voice over."  


Major networking events at VOICE 2014 include an optional Positive Thinkers Unite Breakfast, black-tie optional closing Banquet, the opening night Red Carpet Reception, and popular VOICE Garden Party.

Held on the evening prior to the convention start, the Red Carpet Reception is attended by many of the industry's top voice talent.

"We invite the entire Los Angeles voice over and acting communities to the Red Carpet Reception, including talent agencies," says Alburger. "For many, it's a big opportunity to personally meet their favorite voice over stars.

The Positive Thinker's UNITE! Breakfast will be held on Thursday morning featuring an address by well-known motivational voice actor Rodney Saulsberry.

Joe Cipriano, the voice of several major television networks, hosts the VOICE Garden Party on Friday evening.

And the VOICE closing Banquet on Saturday night will feature special entertainment and presentation of the VOICE Community Award - an honor given to an individual who has given of themselves in support of the voice over community. Past recipients of the VOICE Community award include Zurek (founder of, John Florian (founder of, and Bob Bergen (the voice of Porky Pig and a huge advocate for voice actors everywhere.)


It has become a tradition at the VOICE convention to close with a very special program or on-stage interview of a major voice over celebrity.

The late Don LaFontaine was the first special guest to close a VOICE convention. Dick Orkin and Christine Coyle (of The Famous Radio Ranch), Rob Paulson and Maurice LaMarche, June Foray, Bob Bergen, Joe Ruby and Ken Spears, and Bill Rogers and Camille Dixon (voices of Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure) have all be special guests at the VOICE banquet.  


The VOICE convention had its start in 2007 with a small group of 137 attendees in Las Vegas. The convention is now held every other year in Los Angeles or Orange County, Southern California, growing to an average attendance of close to 500 voice actors from more than a dozen countries.

The convention is produced by James R. Alburger (author of The Art of Voice Acting), and Penny Abshire. James and Penny are both professional voice actors, demo producers and recognized as two of the top voice over coaches in the U.S. Their VoiceActing Academy ( teaches monthly workshops and free educational events, and their production company, VoiceActing Studios ( provides voice over demo production and audio/video production services.  

An earlybird registration discount is currently available. For more information about VOICE 2014 or to register to attend, please click here or visit  

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