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VO Men Get Hairier In 'Movember'
To Support Men's Health Issues

October 30. 2012

By Peter K. O'Connell
Voice Actor

Last November, a bunch of us voice over talents got together to protest shaving. And we raised money doing it!

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in the U.S. and around the world. With their Mo’s, these men raise vital awareness and funds for men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.

If you can afford it, I’d be grateful for any donation.


Currently our team includes our captain Jeffrey Kafer, plus Justin Barrett, Anthony Gettig and Dan Lenard - who, it should be noted, will just be blatantly cheating if he doesn’t shave his mustache on November 1st (but we’re OK if he doesn’t shave it).

Speaking of cheating, the rules say we’re only supposed to grow mustaches, but I always grow a goatee because I look ridiculous in a mustache. They still take my money … funny how that works.

If you are a professional male voice over talent, you are welcome to join our team. Just register and then pick our team from the choices.

If you are female voice over talent - or not in voice over and just want to donate, PLEASE DO. We don’t care which one of us you donate to. Or you can donate just to the team.

But let’s be honest, donate to me because I’m the coolest. Or hairiest. Or something.
Peter K. O’Connell has been a professional voice talent since 1982 and is president of audio'connell voice over talent, providing English-speaking professional male and female voice over and audio production services for national and international clients. The voice-over needs of foreign-language clients are served through another O'Connell-owned company, International Voice Talents. And he writes a very informative blog on voice over marketing and advertising, voxmarketising.  

Movember Team Donation:

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Comments (1)
Peter K. O'Connell
10/29/2012 at 8:33 PM

Thanks for your kindness in promoting the team. I know its been a hairy weather day for VoiceOver Xtra and I am appreciative of the extra effort you took to get this posted while you battened down your hatches.

Best always,
- Peter
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