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Use Visual Prompts To Get What
You Want ... Create A Vision Board
By Maxine Dunn
Voice Actor & Solopreneur
If you’re a voice over artist - or aspiring to be one - and you want to pull your goals and desires toward you as quickly as possible, then you’ll want to be certain to include the powerful “vision board” in your strategy.
The clearer you can become about what you  want – whether it’s a new microphone, a home recording studio, a new automobile, or to make more of a contribution to the world – the more quickly it will manifest in your life.
Vague, unclear goals and desires rarely produce tangible and rewarding results.
That’s why creating a vision board is one of the most effective things you can do to move yourself quickly in the direction of your dreams and goals.
It’s also a lot of fun!
Now, if you are rolling your eyes and thinking, “Oh no! Maxine isn’t going all 'Law of Attraction' on us, is she?” here are two quick examples of how I used a vision board to create miracles in my own life.
I hope they will inspire you to try this creative technique for yourself.
After driving the same car for 15 years, a car which was quickly becoming dilapidated and getting more and more expensive to maintain, I was desperate for a new car.
And I literally manifested a new car by using a vision board and powerful, repetitive affirmations.
I took time to determine exactly the car I wanted and then started behaving as if I already had the new car. And I created a vision board around it:
  • I ordered a brochure for the car from the dealership.
  • I put lots of pictures of the car on my vision board.
  • I also wrote “I love driving my beautiful new car!” on colorful paper and pasted these affirmations next to the pictures.
I’d contemplate these images for a few minutes, several times a day, and I’d visualize myself driving my new car in vivid detail.
Long story short: From the time I decided I needed a new car and created my vision board to the day I was driving it home, was just six weeks.
The money, people and circumstances to make it happen literally just “showed up” once I got absolutely crystal clear on what I wanted.
The second miracle I created in my life was manifesting a WhisperRoom - a professional grade vocal booth. And this happened in much the same way.
To create my home recording studio, I had been hanging foam-covered panels and blankets around me.
I’d only been able to record when it was relatively quiet - many times an impossibility in a busy neighborhood. It was also a tremendous amount of work, assembling and disassembling my studio every time I needed it.
So I was in dire need of a reliable and professional voice over recording set-up.
I decided I wanted a WhisperRoom. So I created a vision board for my new studio.
I found beautiful pictures of WhisperRooms on the Internet, printed and pasted them on my vision board.
I included pictures of myself, smiling and happy, and also posted written affirmations such as, “I love recording for my great clients in my new WhisperRoom!”
I also spent time each day vividly imagining myself stepping into my WhisperRoom to record.
When I first thought of the idea, I had no money to make such a big investment. Yet within a month of deciding what I wanted and creating the vision board around it, three clients had booked me for sizable jobs and I could easily afford my new vocal booth.
Less than two months later I was recording in my new WhisperRoom.
Vision boards work!
What is a “vision board?”
A vision board, also sometimes called a “treasure map” or “dream board,” is a visual depiction of the primary things that you desire in your life.
It is a collage of photographs, drawings, pictures and words that illustrate your desires and goals.
And don’t worry if you’re not a designer or an artist! Simple, even childlike vision boards are just as effective as elaborate and detailed ones.
You can create a vision board on a cork bulletin board, on a large piece of stiff construction paper, on cardboard, or even on a wall!
The key is to have it displayed somewhere where you’ll see it regularly.
You can create a vision board or treasure map in whatever size you please. Making a vision board is inexpensive, fun and creative, and allows you continuous, pleasurable focus on your goals.
Be sure to include pictures of yourself when creating your board, showing yourself smiling, happy, and relaxed.
Here are five simple steps to creating a vision board
1. Focus. Decide on some things, or one thing, that you would like to manifest in your life so that your vision board will have a focus.
2. Supplies. Assemble the supplies you’ll need to create your board:
  • A piece of foam core or poster board, or a bulletin board
  • Thumbtacks or push pins
  • Cellophane tape
  • Glue
  • Colored construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Colored pencils, pens, and markers
Also make sure you have some uninterrupted time alone to create your vision board.
3. Pictures. Look for magazines and do an Internet search in your areas of focus.
Just one magazine or website can have many images that will work. For instance, ocean views to remind you of travel, automobiles or homes that capture the essence of what you’d love to own, or a happy couple walking hand-in-hand if you’re looking to focus on attracting romance.
As a voice actor, of course, you'll want to include pictures of an ideal microphone, recording studio set-ups you’d like to have, or the names of clients you’d like to work for.
4. Images and Phrases. Cut out images, blocks of text, or even single words that stand out and that you’d like to include in what you’re creating for yourself.
You can cut words or phrases out such as “Joy,” “Love,” “Prosperity,” or “Generosity.”
Or for example, on your voice over vision board you can include “A fabulous new agent!” “National television campaign!” or “All my clients pay me exactly what I ask for!”
Include images on your vision board that give you a clear picture of your goal fully realized, and which make you feel good when you look at them.
Glue and pin and arrange the images and words in any way that you choose on your board.
Do a Google image search for “Vision Board” if you need some ideas on what to include or how to arrange them.
You can write positive affirmations and pin them to your board, as well.
If you are spiritual or religious, include an image or symbol that represents a Higher Power to you.
Use lots of your favorite colors on your vision board to increase the emotional and pleasurable impact when you’re looking at it.
5. See It. Place or hang your vision board somewhere where you’ll see it on a regular basis every day.
Make sure to pause periodically to look at it and imagine actually having in your life what you’ve included on your board. A new microphone for your recording studio, a loving relationship, a better car, or a bigger client base.
Get into that feeling place as you visualize having what you want.
That’s all you need to do!
Creating a vision board is easy, doesn’t take much time to create, stimulates your creativity, and is a wonderful tool to attract more of what you want.
Get started today and have fun!
Maxine Dunn is a top voice over artist and on-camera spokesperson who maintains an extensive clientele locally, nationally and internationally. She’s the author of the forthcoming eBook, The Voice Actor’s Tool Box – Beginner’s Edition: Get started in your voice-over career with these step-by-step, low-cost strategies. She is also a featured contributor to the 4th Edition release of James Alburger’s book, The Art of Voice Acting. A free subscription may be ordered at her website and below to her weekly e-zine, The Creative Business Advisor - advice for savvy voice actors and entrepreneurs. The subscription includes her free 7-day Audio Mini-Course: 7 Surprisingly Simple Strategies to Get You on the Road to Success, Right Now!
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Comments (6)
Maxine Dunn
4/19/2011 at 12:07 PM
Hi George,

That is truly inspiring to learn that visualization helped bring your lovely home into your lives! And yes, vision boards do need to be "refreshed" or re-created from time to time... And it's fun! Kind of like creating a painting!

George Whittam
4/14/2011 at 3:54 AM
Thanks for bringing this subject matter to light in the context of VO. You inspired me to rebuild my tired VB and put things I really want NOW on there. The amazing home my family now lives in is a direct result of quickly manifesting our desires, in the right timing, using visualization techniques.

Maxine Dunn
4/13/2011 at 12:13 PM
Hi Vanessa, Karen, and Linda ~

Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and kind words. I’m really pleased that you like the idea of vision boards…they’re so much fun to create!

As there has been lengthy construction in and around my back yard, (which is now basically a pile of dirt and all my perennials and shrubs have had to be transplanted into pots for now), the new vision board I’m creating is for a beautiful garden with lots of flowers and pretty shrubs. I love doing a treasure map for things I’d like to manifest in general, but I think honing in on something very specific really gives them even more power.

Wishing you all blessings and success!

Linda Ristig
4/12/2011 at 8:57 AM
Fabulous article, Maxine! I'm so happy to see this visionary technique has worked so well for you. It's really a powerful strategy! Enjoy that new car and WhisperRoom!
Karen Commins
4/12/2011 at 6:33 AM
Greetings, Maxine! You can "go all Law of Attraction" with me any time you want! Your most excellent article is a powerful and very timely reminder to me of a great way to make improvements in my life.

As Wayne Dyer says, what you think about expands, and you can't get enough of what you don't want. Our thoughts and speech are so filled with negativity that we don't even realize when we push our good away from us. A vision board and positive affirmations are concrete ways to focus your thoughts and words toward the life you want.

I love that you included your 2 examples! I think my vision boards have not been as effective for me because they have been about the long-term life plan as opposed to a short-term goal. Since they take longer to come true, it's easy to feel that they aren't working.

You've inspired me to create some specific boards about smaller goals. After all, the small ones are all steps on the way to the big ones!

Thanks for sharing your wisdom and positive energy, and best wishes for your continued health, success, and prosperity!

Karen Commins
Vanessa Hart
4/12/2011 at 12:12 AM
Thank you so much, Maxine. I totally agree. I've been keeping mine in my head but now I'm going to make it physical. I intend all good things for the both of us and again, thank you for sharing.
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