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'Golden Voice' Ted Williams
Returns Home To Voice Overs 
January 5, 2010
"Golden Voice" Ted Williams - the homeless man voicing radio promos on a busy street corner in a YouTube video this week that stunned and captured the hearts of the nation - has returned home to voice overs.
In the video that was shot out of a car window by a Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch newspaper reporter, Williams amiably voices with an unexpected ease and rich voice.
If you haven't yet seen the video, be amazed ...
Told you. As of this writing, that video has topped 11 million viewings.
The national media pounced on the story. Voice over social media groups are buzzing, and job offers are flowing.

"This has been totally, totally amazing," Williams said in a phone interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, his voice choking with emotion. "I'm just so thankful. God has blessed me so deeply. I'm getting a second chance. Amazing."
In a new video, VO stars Randy Thomas and Joe Cipriano invite Williams to participate in a Hollywood reality TV show they're developing, America's Next Voice ...
Yet Williams's sudden fame is hardly the story of "overnight success."
Trained years ago in radio, the Brooklyn, New York native has been promoting the "God-given gift" of his voice with a cardboard sign on that Columbus street corner for the past two years, and homeless for a decade.
Talent, belief in himself, perseverance and a helping hand paved the way to today's dizzying reversal of fortune.
Ted, we all wish you well and will eagerly follow your renewed career.
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Comments (10)
John Florian
1/7/2011 at 8:40 AM
About the "America's Next Voice" reality TV show ...

Joe Cipriano informs me that he's received "huge support" from the VO community for this concept and that he'll share the details "when we have everything set and lined up."

Of course, VoiceOverXtra will report on it for you. Sounds like a winner!
William O'Neal
1/6/2011 at 3:28 PM
This has given me such inspiration to try and do it myself. I have been told for many years that I have a radio voice. How do I get started?
Michael Hill
1/6/2011 at 12:40 PM
Don LaFontaine's replacement has been found. On a street corner no less. He had to find his way back to God first. Good luck, Ted.
JR Silva
1/6/2011 at 11:18 AM
I second that, Marcus.
Just where is the info for America's Next Voice? Is this show even in production? Please let us know how to audition for a spot in that contest.
BP Smyth, Narrator
1/6/2011 at 9:30 AM
You know, it's possible this man could become the next movie trailer VO icon.
Paul J. Warwick
1/6/2011 at 8:38 AM
Ted should move to Boston and become the "Splendid Speaker"
Richard Hurd
1/6/2011 at 8:36 AM
Only in America can you panhandle for change one day and wind up in Hollywood the next.

The significance of this story isn't so much that a homeless man has the talent of an angel's voice. There are many talented people out there down and out. What is so stunning to me about this is that amidst the culture of the "Get a job" people, compassion has not lost its heart in the truly hardened world we now live.

Yeah, his plight was of his own making. We all live in plights of our own making. In our shot at life we all make choices and decisions that lead us to where we are right now. That "where we are right now" is the continual and unending story of the prodigal's son. As humans we have the capacity to reasses where we are, take the lessons learned, pull ourselves up by our boot straps and go in a new direction.

It is therefore heartwarming indeed to see people freely and willingly offer what Paul Simon called "A shot at redemption."
Marcus Weems
1/6/2011 at 8:26 AM
Okay ... I'll bite. In conducting a search for AMERICA'S NEXT VOICE, I find NOTHING. I haven't been living in a cave and did conduct a search, but have found neither hide nor hair. How can we work-a-day-world orators get out shot at this new "reality" show?
Linda Ristig
1/6/2011 at 8:14 AM
Thank you, John, for posting this incredibly powerful story with videos. Bless the person who discovered Ted along the street with a sign, had the foresight to post it on YouTube, which led to a voice over competition invitation from Joe and Randy. From destitution to YouTube stardom, what an amazing journey for Ted. This is a very, very heartwarming tale of faith, redemption and second chances!
1/6/2011 at 8:00 AM
Such a happy result! After seeing the YouTube clip and the resultant responses, I am encouraged not to give up on my dream. Ted Williams, you are a blessed man!
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