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Rodney Saulsberry: Outstanding Actor Nomination
For Role In CBS's The Bold And The Beautiful
December 23, 2012

(VOXtra) - Rodney Saulsberry - the popular voice over talent, actor, trainer, inspirational author and vocalist - has been nominated in the category of Outstanding Actor in a Daytime Drama Series for the 44th Annual NAACP Image Awards for his work in CBS's The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B).

Winners will be announced on the awards show February 1 on NBC.

In the voice over world, Saulsberry is known for movie trailers, countless commercials and promos, awards shows announcing, animation, narrations, and popular training workshops. He is also author of two books, You Can Bank on Your Voice: Your Guide to a Successful Career in Voice-Overs, and Step Up to the Mic: A Positive Approach to Succeeding in Voice-Overs.

His wide-ranging TV and film career began in 1980 in an episode of the TV progam Taxi.

Today in the B&B show, Saulsberry plays "Anthony,” a homeless musician who has found a lifetime friend in"Dayzee,” and a now stable job working at her restaurant. But Anthony’s woes continued this year when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver.

About his onscreen accident, Saulsberry says, "This particular story arc really featured the character I portray and delivered a message to the viewing audience about the danger of texting while driving.”

Saulsberry joined B&B in October 2010. He received an earlier NAACP Image Award nomination in 2011.

We're rooting for ya, Rodney!

For more about the NAACP Image Awards, please visit

And for more about Rodney Saulsberry:

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