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Should You Take A Risk With That Script?
YES! Trust Your Talent To Create A 'Wow'

By Jim Conlan
Voice Actor & Coach

Are you waiting for permission? Trust yourself to know when it's "Wow."

Have you ever looked at a voice over script and thought, "I know exactly what to do with this" … but then you were afraid to do it?

Very often I find myself asking students or the talent I hire:

"If nobody was looking, what would you really do with this script?"  
Unfortunately, many of us have been cautioned by parents, teachers, older siblings, etc., not to show off. Not to go too far. Not to stand out in any way.

So, even when it's appropriate (as it certainly is in voice acting), we may be holding back from what we're really capable of doing, for fear of looking like a fool.

How's that working out for you?  


If you have talent for voice acting, the first thing you need to do is trust that talent.

Do what it takes, not just to get the job done, but to do it brilliantly. That usually means going further - even taking a risk that you'll go too far.

If you've never taken that risk, how will you ever know when it actually is too far?

If you trust yourself, you'll take it as far as it needs to be taken. And you'll never worry about looking like a fool.

The bottom line is: stop waiting for permission. You already have it, courtesy of your own talent.

After recording a script a couple of times you find yourself saying, "That wasn't bad," you need ask yourself if you really did what you should have done.

If your reaction to your performance isn't "Wow," you know the answer.
Jim Conlan has been a voice talent for over 40 years. He has produced and directed Hollywood talent in over 2,000 radio commercials, including the famous Jimmy John's radio campaign. He has been coaching for over 25 years, with a market-specific focus that helps talent get results. Grads of his program are known for the highly personal way they interpret a client's copy. They also appreciate the free coffee.

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