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How To Keep In Touch With Your Voice-
Over Clients - Without 'Bugging Them'
August 23, 2018

By Natasha Marchewka
Voice Actor & Course Creator

Do you need help with keeping in touch with past clients without "bugging them"?

When working as an isolated freelancer or small business (and where building your business is all on you), there are ways to efficiently and effectively build, strengthen, and grow relationships.

Keeping in touch regularly can be a bit of a conundrum, though. You want to remind them that you exist, but you need to find a balance of being seen and heard and not overdo it.

So, you create a newsletter to email clients once a month. I think that's great … and important … and keeps you relevant, top-of-mind, and also keeps you on your toes.

What else can you do to remind clients you exist? Here are some ideas. And as an added bonus this gives you relevant content to share on your social media feeds!


1. Visit your clients' websites. Check if they've added anything new like a press release, newsletter, blog, or an additional social medium. This is the starting point for relevant communication.

2. Subscribe to their feeds: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Vimeo, etc. You may want to receive a notification when they post interesting content.

3. Sign up to their newsletter or blog. You'll receive relevant info when they publish.

4. Scan all their social feeds and blogs. Share anything noteworthy on your own social media. Keep shares engaging by adding your comments with your post.

5. Check their recent press releases. Do they have news worth mentioning on one of your feeds?

6. Congratulate them on something. Tag them and any relevant content. Google your client's contact name and congratulate them directly, by email or social media, on anything notable. Keep it simple and professionally appropriate.

7. Go to your "notifications" in LinkedIn. Reach out to clients who have something noteworthy, providing a personal comment.

8. Make note of the anniversary of when you first worked together. Schedule in your online calendar with a reminder. Send them an Anniversary email each year.

9. Email clients individually with an article or idea that reminded you of them.

10. Mail a card. Send a thank-you card after you've worked together again, or a general gratitude card any time.

11. Keep what you write simple and professionally appropriate.

12. Send an appropriate gift - at year end, at the New Year, or for a random holiday.
Broadcast and non-broadcast, Natasha has recorded 10,000+ commercials and voice-over projects over the past 12 years, including Adventures by Disney, ZipRecruiter, and Electrolux. With a Bachelor's degree in Radio Television Arts, several years of singing jazz in New York City, and many, MANY jobs paying her dues, she started her voice-over business as an eager entrepreneur. She's also a prolific list maker, which has helped her move her business and family to three different countries. Her course offerings from Master VO To-Do List helps working voice talent get their business on track.

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Comments (2)
Dave Clarke
8/25/2018 at 12:29 PM
Thanks for this Natasha! Great info. Very useful.
J. Valentino
8/23/2018 at 10:36 AM
...And the number one way to keep in touch: Have actual talent. Otherwise, all this other stuff may get you a token gig now and then. As Peter Thomas once told me: If you are good, you will work.
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