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Email Marketing For Voice-Over Clients:
Part 2 - Your Mailing List & Social Media
April 4, 2018

By Michael Langsner
Voice Actor
See Part 1: How To Set Up Your CRM System

Using email to market for voice-over clients can be effective - but there's much more to it that simply composing a great message and hitting SEND.

Keeping track of your messages and effective follow-up is key.

In Part 1 of this two-part series we detailed how to set up your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for storing information about your messages and prospects.

Now, follow through by creating a mailing list of your prospects, and also approach them through social media. Here's how.


If you have sent off a marketing email, and then created a record for that lead in CRM, you can stop there until you receive a response from the lead.

Yet at this point it is a good idea to begin creating your marketing mailing list.

If a prospect responds positively to a marketing email - meaning that they express interest in working with you, complement your work, ask for more details, etc. - then you should add them to a mailing list.

If they say something along the lines of "Thanks, but no thanks," then you can probably let that one go.

But if they leave any door open, by saying something like "We're all set for now, but I'll let you know if anything changes in the future" - then that is still a good candidate to go on your mailing list.

They can always unsubscribe after the first email they receive if they are not interested.


A mailing list can be as simple as an Excel spreadsheet with a list of client names and email addresses, but it's probably a good idea to add a bit more organization.

Consider having separate lists for 1) actual clients, and 2) people who are still just leads or prospects, since you may be communicating differently with these people.

You can also consider creating segments or groups within your mailing list

For instance, you can create a mailing list for all leads, and then have segments for "Hot Leads" and "Warm Leads" (Cold Leads probably don't belong on the mailing list at all).


Like with your CRM system, you can choose what information about each mailing list member you'd like to store.

I recommend having the following fields on your mailing list:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Email Address
Note: I like putting First and Last name into separate fields, and including Company Name, for the following reason: Merge Tags.

Merge tags allow you to customize your emails and address each recipient by name. It's also nice to be able to refer to the company.

So rather than saying "Hi Prospect! Check out my latest Commercial Demo…." you can say:
"Hey Tom, I recently updated my Commercial Reel and I'd love for you to take a listen and if you're working on any projects over at ABC Productions that you think I'd be a good fit for…" 

After you've sent an email, stored the data in CRM, received a reply, and added the prospect to your mailing list, act now to connect with the prospect on social media.

This gives the additional benefit of having more open channels of communication with the prospect and more ways to stay on their radar.

LinkedIn is the most professional of the social networks, so that's the one I would recommend most. But basically, consider connecting with them on any social media platform that you utilize for your business, whether that's only LinkedIn, or Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or others.

A "Like" or "Follow" can lead to them returning the favor and strengthen your relationship and your overall social media presence.


To sum up, after sending a marketing email to a prospect or lead, the job is not done. At the very least, store the relevant information about your marketing outreach in a CRM system. If you don't already have a CRM system or Mailing List - do your homework and find one that works best for you. At whatever stage of your career you are in, and get it up and running within the next week!

If you receive a positive response to your email, then add that lead to a mailing list, so they become included in your regular "Touch" campaign rotation - how you stay in touch with interested prospects in hopes of turning them into clients.

Also consider connecting with them on any social media platforms that you utilize for your business, to strengthen your relationship.

Michael Langsner is a NYC-based professional voice over talent who voices TV, radio, and Internet spots, e-Learning tutorials, phone systems, consumer products, promos, trailers, and more for a variety of clients including Google, Amazon, Dell, Coca-Cola, VH1, and many, many others. He also regularly writes blog posts featuring helpful tips and strategies for VO talent of all experience levels, dealing with performance, audio recording and engineering, and marketing/business activities. Michael also founded MBL Music and Voice - an audio post-production company - where he and his team provide original music, sound design, VO casting, and mixing services - where they have recently completed projects for Verizon, The NFL, The NBA Player's Association, CA Software, and Kodak.

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