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New Voice Over Poll Results: Lowest
Pay You'd Accept For A Voice Over Job

May 22, 2017

(VOXtra) - All right, we admit it. The poll question sent to VoiceOverXtra readers and social media groups on May 9 lacked the opportunity to explain reasons and situations for any particular job:

Under normal circumstances (not charity, etc.), what is the approximately LOWEST $$ you will accept for a single voice over job?

Still, what we learned was interesting.

The most common answer: $100, which was chosen by 24% of the respondents

Interestingly, $100 was the most common answer to the same question when asked in September 2012 (29% of respondents).

This year, the second most common "lowest" amount was $150 (18%). In 2012, the second most common answer was "union scale" (chosen by 18%), and we regret that this option was not included in the answers to the current question.

Also this year, nearly half (42%) won't touch the record button for less than $200 or more.

Some respondents this year questioned the validity of the question, with comments like:

"Interesting question, but without the size of the project?" And "You should clarify on this. What type of job?"

Well, we agree, and will clarify it in future polls of the voice over community.

Do you have a question you'd like answered? Please send it to

Meanwhile, you can check results of all previous polls at the home page (scroll down the right column to the red Poll box).

Thanks for participating!

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Comments (2)
Howard Ellison
5/22/2017 at 12:37 PM
Arts and students can still merit a free read if their stuff is good, but I have come to realise that cash-strapped industrial gigs which I might once have 'gone alongside' for 120 USD or so end up more trouble than they are worth: too often the direction is hazy, the script gets altered several times, pacing is unrealistic...

Yes there will be exceptions: we have to learn to read between the lines, rather literally. Our voices are something we can, for example, offer at a discount to a cloud-funded project - and possibly grow with it in some golden-paved future. I wish!

Scott Medvetz
5/22/2017 at 11:42 AM
I don't have a problem with the lack of specificity of the job size. There's a limit for everyone, where even if it's a one line recording, it's not worth the time to go in the studio, record, edit, save, send, invoice, track payment, etc. Some might find it's worth $50 to go through that; others may have enough on their plate that they won't touch anything for less than $500 or $1000. The question is: at what point is it worthwhile to go through that process for a small job.
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