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MO-JOE Friday Videos - Episode 65:
#Voiceover Vs #RonaAndChilling
March 20, 2020

(VOXtra) - Would you be able to survive if it became mandatory to stay at home for the next few weeks - or even months - while we wait for the coronavirus pandemic to pass?

The health of you and your family is of utmost concern, of course.

But as a voice actor, you're already in a good position by working at home. So use any down time to move forward with your VO goals, advises Joe Loesch in this new MO-JOE Friday Video, and you'll bounce back better than before ...


Joe Loesch is a top voice actor and voice-over coach, an award-winning spoken word producer, and (... drum roll ... ) your leader at Voice-Over Booth Camp.

Joe also trains you in a recent VoiceOverXtra webinar recording: Master 3 Levels of Voice-Over Performance. Here's a link to details.

And come back soon for MO-JOE!

On the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers MO-JOE Friday Video refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice-over to VoiceOverXtra readers. Check out past episodes here.

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