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Edge Studio Continues Expansion
With 7 More Voice Over Experts
February 9, 2015

(VOXtra) - Edge Studio has added seven more voice over experts to its education staff, continuing the voice over education and production company's rapid expansion.

"We help each of our students determine what voice over genres and niches are best for them," said David Goldberg (pictured), Chief Edge Officer at Edge Studio, in announcing the staff growth. "These additions help assure that we’re never at a loss for a great match in any specialty.”  

This is another spurt in Edge Studio’s expansion over recent years. Primarily to serve its production clients, the company moved to new, larger facilities in New York City in 2012, as well as expanding its facilities and coaching relationships throughout North America. 

Additional capabilities will be added in 2015, the company reports, including an enhanced Spanish-language educational curriculum.  

"We're already among the largest coaching institutions in our field,” says Andrew Warner, Director of Education, "so our aim is not just to grow, but to serve the needs of students in every specialty, at every level.”  

The Edge Studio voice acting curriculum features an international team of recognized (and recognizable) voice over actors, producers, engineers and VO business experts chosen for both their current experience as working pros, and their ability to direct and advise beginning and experienced voice actors, notes the company.   

Edge Studio’s instructors include experts in core training, specialty training, and business practices. A staff of engineering consultants further rounds out graduates’ industry expertise.   

"Except for established voice actors with a demonstrable work record, we first evaluate each student’s voice, delivery, and marketability,” Goldberg explains. "It gives them a realistic sense of our industry, and gives us a look what training method and set of instructors would be best suited to them."

He adds: "We suggest to almost a third of prospective students that they not pursue voice acting as a career. And we're just as choosy with our coaches and instructors.”  


The new staff and their specialties are:  
  • Rachel Butera: Animation, Accents, Voice Matching 
  • Arthur Insana: Audiobooks 
  • Joe Loesch: Commercial, Animation, and Audiobooks  
  • Susanne Pinedo: Education Advisor 
  • Chris Smith: Animation, Video Games 
  • Hayley Wolosz: Education Advisor
  • Simone Fojgiel: Spanish 
Although many of Edge Studio’s coaches are located near the company’s headquarter studios in New York City, a large number of coaches are based in other cities in the United States and Canada. 

Just as it is common for major audio productions to be recorded from remote locations, Edge Studio coaches are experienced at coaching remotely, via telephone or Skype. This makes Edge Studio’s curriculum available to students almost anywhere in the world.  

David Goldberg is one of the country’s most active voice over producers and coaches, sought after as a keynote speaker at industry events across the country. Since founding Edge Studio in 1988, he has directed thousands of voice over sessions and has personally coached thousands of voice actors.

A leading authority in the voice over industry since 1988, Edge Studio specializes in the production of voice recordings, and the training of new and established voice actors, narrators and other spoken‐word performers.

Edge Studio facilities have produced or recorded more than 13,000 voice over projects, spanning all genres. Edge Studio has facilities in New York City, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and Los Angeles, and regularly produces and trains remotely via telephone, ISDN, webinars, Skype, and other technologies.
Note: VoiceOverXtra readers receive a 10% discount for first-time orders of training, demo production or other services at Edge Studio. For the discount, mention VoiceOverXtra when ordering by phone (888-321-EDGE) or email
For more information about Edge Studio, please visit

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