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Celia Siegel, VO Talent Manager: 'This
Is The New Global Economy' - Adapt!
August 17, 2017
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By Celia Siegel
Celia Siegel Management

What a bombshell to wake up to last week! In hindsight, however the VDC+Voicebank situation is really not a big surprise.

Look at the disruptions born from technology in all sectors of the economy. VO is a huge industry, and it was just a matter of time before a big biz armed with digital platforms sought to take another chunk of us.

So we can enter the growing club of hotel owners, taxi drivers and retailers who have been commoditized by the combination of technology and hungry corporate owners.

I think in the days, weeks and months to come we will know more about the scope of this merger. I have my theories, but I will hold off on that.


One thing we can all glean from this shake up is to remember to differentiate yourselves.

Reinvent. Adapt. Be entrepreneurial.

Hone your skillsets and top it off with human connection and innovation.

You are not a commodity. You are a uniquely talented voice talent (agent, vo industry worker) who can solve someone's problem.

Connect.  Be modern. Do not get complacent.

This is bigger than VDC+Voicebank. This is the new global economy, and you are being called upon to be excellent and to stand out.

Let's keep talking to each other and keep our industry strong.

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