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Roll With The Punches To Become Your
Voice-Over E-Learning Clients' Go-To Talent

By Rick Gordon
Voice Talent & Owner &

The voice-over e-learning process can be a difficult one at times. Some talents refer to the problems as a pain, but I view them as opportunities. 

Keep in mind that e-learning developers have unforeseen problems with some clients. After all, they are selling the project. 

His client does not necessarily know the process. It's just recorded words, after all. Not a big deal. 

Let me explain.


So you've attracted an e-learning VO project and you couldn't be happier. Simply record the text, break it down into the requested separated files and send it off to your client.

Done!  Wonderful!

Oh. A couple of retakes where you mispronounced a few words. The accent was wrong.  You guessed the wrong one. No problem, happy to comply. 

Oh. Client has changed a few sentences, no problem. You are happy to re-record.  After all, we are only human. Everyone makes mistakes or has second thoughts. No charge.

You are ready to submit your invoice and ask for sign-off on the project.

Oh. Your client says his client, the buyer of the project, cannot give the final go-ahead because it has to be reviewed by their team. This will take a few weeks.

Bummer. Well OK, you understand.

Oh. Final review team has changed a few things and needs specific sentences re-recorded.  Your client advises you to keep track of these and bill for these added changes. Whew!  Nice!


This re-record scenario goes on for a month, maybe longer. You keep adding up the retakes. 

Pain, right? Well, this problem is not really a problem - it is a golden opportunity. You are going to be paid for your work, even though it seems like this process will never end. 

You understand that some end-user clients can be finicky. You comply with a smile. 

At this point, your contact will certainly be impressed by your professionalism and your patience. He, too, is not happy about this, but the customer is always right - right?

And your client will certainly be impressed by how you understand his dilemma, and he will remember that. So will the end-user client. 


Being easy to work with is always an important attribute to every e-learning production company and VO talents, as well. 

It is sad to say, but they have their problems and certainly do not want to hear yours. 

Be happy, roll with the punches and fully know that your client will be impressed and you will be one of the most memorable VO talents they have ever worked with.

You will be his go-to VO talent. NICE!

Rick Gordon is a veteran voice talent based in Canada, and is also the founder and owner of two major online voice over marketplaces: Commercial and e-Learning Commercial was created in 2000 as the website where voice talents are "hit and heard." e-Learning was introduced in 2008 specifically for e-Learning voice-over projects.

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Comments (1)
Larry Wayne
9/17/2019 at 5:07 PM
You are right on, Rick! Going the extra mile for a client, if they know the process or not, is always recommended...unless you are being taken advantage of. I can't tell you how many times good intentions on my side of the mic, has led to more jobs on the other side.
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