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Work With A Variety Of Voice Over Coaches
To Develop What Works Best For YOU

February 16, 2015

By 'VO Chef' Deb Munro
Voice Actor and Coach

This is an extremely important recipe to your voice over career:
Coach Crock Pot  
Combine together 1 talent, 1 studio, and sprinkle with as many coaches as desired. 
Although I’d love to suggest that just hiring one coach for your entire career would be all you need, I don’t believe that will create ‘your’ perfect recipe.  

Let’s face it – we are selling ‘Your Personality’ here, not that of your coaches, so it’s extremely important to figure how to bring out your voice over personality at the mic.

And one way to truly find your own special touch is to work with a few talented individuals who can help you find it.  

If you sprinkle in a bit of a good coach's style and mix it with a few more, you’ll have a better chance of finding what works for you. 

Each coach has their own unique style and offers skills that won’t be the same as another.  Even a bad coach can teach you what a good coach should be.  

Not all coaches agree, and truth be told, there is really no right or wrong here; certain methods and choices work for some while they may not work for others. Like with any good recipe, you mix in a little of this with a little of that and out comes your masterpiece. 


For demos however, I think it’s extremely important to pick the right coach and to work with that person solely to prepare and direct you.. 

If you are working with a variety of coaches and then go into the demo with new coach, you could be setting yourself up for failure. It’s important for your demo coach to know you well enough to pull out certain things from you. If the coach is new to you, this can prove to be difficult.   

Demo production can be very nerve wracking for talent, so don’t allow yourself to be put into an uncomfortable situation. You want to go in as a solid team.


Research the coaches you are considering. Check for testimonials and other remarks you might find online. You are spending hard-earned dollars and there are scams out there – don’t get caught up by marketing alone.

Find coaches with proven track records and who will suit your learning curves. 

So get out there and try some coaches on for size. It’s amazing what the right person will pull out of you.

Deb Munro is a leading and award-winning voice talent and coach, and recently moved to her new home and studio in Toronto. She offers private voice over coaching by phone and Skype, and workshops on voice acting, business and demo prep in many Canadian cities.


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Comments (4)
Debby Barnes
2/24/2015 at 1:28 PM
Bravo! This article is SO helpful. It also graciously releases those VOT's who feel compelled to stay with only one coach.

PS: I can't tell you how pleased I am that I happened upon you, Deb. You're one of my prized coaches. :)
Dave Airozo
2/16/2015 at 6:00 PM
The truth will set you free,and as usual Deb has nailed it again. Thanks Deb, really working towards you being one of those coaches in my corner.
Mark Wangerin
2/16/2015 at 4:11 PM
Great article... makes me realize it's probably time to invest into some further education.
Thanks for sharing!
Bev Standing
2/16/2015 at 8:08 AM
Deb - great advice, and for me came at a perfect time. Thanks.
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