MARKETING 5 Tips To Help Stop The Scroll And Increase Engagement On LinkedIn ![]() Voice-Over Marketing Coach I'm a HUGE proponent of LinkedIn. If you're not actively using LinkedIn
as part of your marketing formula, start immediately. And when you do,
you're going to want to create content that attracts followers and
contributes value. Below are five tips I suggest, that if utilized consistently and over a
sustained period of time, can help you get noticed and drive engagement
with your LinkedIn network:
#1. Include a compelling visual Even if you have something very profound to say/write, you need to have
more than just text. Posting a video would be my first recommendation.
If you can't do video, a really cool photo works as well. And if for
whatever reason you're unable to post a video or photo, try to utilize a
branded graphic or meme with your logo and/or company colors and fonts.
#2. Words in ALL CAPS Try capitalizing an entire word, or two, or three in your post for
emphasis . . . especially in the first line of the post. As you can
imagine, users on LinkedIn are scrolling through their feeds at
lightning speed (as attention spans are short), so those CAPITAL LETTERS
might help to make your post stick out and capture those all-important
views. #3. Use an emoji Let's face it. . .emojis are fun! And they can be effective in very
much the same way as the compelling visuals described in tip #1. Plus
you can use emojis to tie in with your branding. My followers will
often see the fist or the flexed bicep emoji in my posts. My good
friend and client, Melissa Maloney, whose voice-over brand is "Your ears
will BEE delighted," uses the honeybee emoji very effectively in her
content. #4. Use relevant hashtags Hashtags (#) can be used in posts to earmark certain topics or areas of
interest that people follow. If you're a voice-over talent, you don't
want to use hashtags that are too obscure. Stick with hashtags that
appeal to a wider audience, but are still industry specific. Rather
than say #countryradiostationimagingrocks, try
#audioproduction, #radio, #radioimaging, #voiceover, etc. Using more
highly-followed hashtags in your posts will help increase the
probability that more eyes will see them. #5. Incorporate tags Tags (@) as opposed to hashtags (#), are used to highlight specific
people or companies. Those tags ought to be just as relevant. When I
tag people in a post, I tag folks that I'm either thanking,
congratulating, or shining a spotlight on. It doesn't always have to be
a client. It can be vendor, a peer, or another colleague. The idea is
to not only recognize others, but to encourage others to jump on your
bandwagon. When you tag people in posts, they receive a notification
they are tagged. Most appreciate the nod and will reciprocate by
liking, commenting, or sharing your post, thus increasing that post's
impact on the platform. What you want to avoid, though, is tagging folks
simply because they have a large following but may not necessarily be
relevant to the content you're sharing. ---------------------- ABOUT COREY
Corey Dissin, The Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of Content and host of
The Go Get It Podcast, is a voice talent authority and social media
influencer who has impacted over 100,000 unique voice-over projects over
the last 25 years. He also mentors talent all over the U.S. as a
one-on-one marketing coach. Email: |
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Comments (1)
Melissa Maloney
10/22/2019 at 1:19 PM
Thank you so much Corey Dissin for mentioning me and my "bee" brand in this article! You're awesome!
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