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MO-JOE Friday Video, Episode 91:
Finding 'The Music Within You'

(VOXtra) - Can't sing? Of course you can. You're a storyteller, touching the emotions of your listeners with your unique style of mood-altering voice over music.

In this new MO-JOE Friday Video, top voice talent/coach Joe Loesch shares how to find and develop that music within you ...


Joe Loesch is a top voice actor and voice over coach, an award-winning spoken word producer, and (... drum roll ... ) your leader at the Voice-Over Booth Camp.

Joe also trains you in an info-packed VoiceOverXtra webinar recording: Master 3 Levels of Voice-Over Performance. Here's a link to details.

And come back soon for MO-JOE!

On the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers MO-JOE Friday Video refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice-over to VoiceOverXtra readers. Check out past episodes here.

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Comments (1)
Dave Johnston
11/27/2021 at 9:56 AM
Love this, Joe. As a vocal performance major, I can sure relate to this. The fact that we can motivate individuals to act just with our voice is what makes our work so fascinating. I just love these MOJo Fridays. Trust you and the staff there at voice-over extra had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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