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It's 'Shark Night' On The VOBS Webcast -
Get In The VO Career Swim With J.V. Martin
November 20, 2017

(VOXtra) - The voice over community is well-known for its welcoming, helpful nature.

Yet tonight on the Voice Over Body Shop webcast (starting at 6 pm Pacific at we learn how at least one VO pro has thrived in a predatory world.

Swimming into voice over from a successful career in television production, J.V. Martin has been the in-show narrator of the annual Shark Week on the Discovery Channel for 13 years and has thrived in this niche.

"We'll talk with J.V. about his exciting career in TV production and his successful move to VO," says Dan Lenard (the Home Studio Master), who co-hosts the Monday night webcast with George Whittam (VO audio tech guru). "It's always fun to kibbutz with in-studio guests, and J.V. promises to make this a show to remember."

Have questions? Send them now or during the webcast to

Also during the webcast, George and Dan will discuss and answer questions about voice over tech issues. And a lively chat room is a show in itself!

Always unpredictable and chocked with valuable how-to info on home studio technology - and all things voice over - this Monday night webcast has earned a large following for the hundreds of live and recorded episodes. Plus, it features news and VO how-to advice from VoiceOverXtra.

The online event starts at 9 pm Eastern; 8 pm Central; 7 pm Mountain; 6 pm Pacific.

Past shows can also be viewed any time on YouTube and at the VOBS website:


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