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George Whittam (left) and Dan Lenard drive lots of laughs along with helpful voice over info in the weekly East-West Audio Body Shop Ustream tv show - which is changing its name as Lenard moves from upstate New York to the L.A. area. Getting a wild backseat ride in this photo is top voice actor J. Michael Collins.

EWABS' Final Program Is Tonight (Monday)!
Oh Wait ... It's Just A Name Change ... Whew

July 6, 2015

(VOXtra) -The final episode of EWABS - the wildly popular East-West Audio Body Shop voice over program seen live on Monday nights on - is tonight starting at 9 p.m. Eastern time, 6 p.m. Pacific.

But fans of the show needn't worry, except perhaps for a few upcoming weeks of not seeing the live antics, comradery, special guests, roundtable discussions and especially helpful info dispensed by the voice over industry's foremost experts on home (or personal) studio audio, Dan Lenard and George Whittam.

The show's East-West name sprung from the co-hosts' physical locations: Lenard in upstate New York, and Whittam in greater Los Angeles. But later this month Lenard is moving to L.A., necessitating a program name change - plus a few weeks off to travel and settle in to the new audio body shop.

When the show returns to on August 10, it will be known as The Voice Over Body Shop - or VOBS.

"Make of that what you will," Lenard quips about the new name.


You can watch the historic 'last' EWABS show tonight here: And on the menu bar, click YouTube for a playlist of video recordings of past shows.

Tonight's special guest is Robert Marshall (pictured) from Source Elements, maker of the Source-Connect software for remote audio recording and real-time collaboration.

The show will also feature an "all out fan roundtable," says Lenard, "where 23 lucky fans will get to be on the show at the same time to ask questions, and shout out their love for EWABS! "


EWABs began in March 2011, and by today has logged nearly 200 episodes.

Despite some people saying "Who would want to watch a webcast about voice over and and voice over technology?” the show quickly caught on, doling out valuable advice on how to set up home voice over studios.

And it's presented many interviews with guests, like Tom Kenney, the voice of Sponge Bob Squarepants; legendary cartoon voice actress June Foray (Bullwinkle's Rocky the Flying Squirrel, Natasha, Nell Fenwick, and Which Hazel from Bugs Bunny); and audiobook narrator Scott Brick, plus top voice over coaches, casting directors, and many other successful voice over celebrities.

Lenard is moving from Buffalo, NY to Sherman Oaks, CA - not far from Whittam in Santa Monica. And the renamed program will originate from Lenard's new multi-media studio.

VOBS will have the familiar format, Lenard explains, "but will feature more in-studio guests, since many of the top people in voice over live right near us."

"We will also have more video of voice over related events in Hollywood, and will maintain the high level of fun that fans have come to expect and love," he adds.

We'll see you tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Pacific, at!

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Comments (2)
7/8/2015 at 6:56 PM
Hot Damn! Let's see...the Giants won the World Series, the Warriors won the NBA Championship, the Ducks nearly grabbed Lord Stanley's it's about time the East-West effort becomes "the Left Coast Sound". =)
Keep up the good work, guys!
Taylor Stonely
7/6/2015 at 10:09 AM
Love the show, I can't wait to hear the new venue!
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