CAREER What Will Your Voice Over Business Be NEXT January? Six Ways To Get Ahead January 17, 2017 ![]() Voice Actor, Improv Coach I know you're barely getting used to writing 2017, but I want to get you to think about 2018 for a few minutes because before we know it, it will be here. Will your voice over business be in the same spot a year from now? First, decide what matters most. Take some time and answer these questions: 1. If you can only accomplish one thing this year – what would matter most to your business? 2. What system or process improvement (or addition) would impact your business the most? 3. What is the single most important financial metric you should monitor to gauge the health of your business? 4. When you think about your work team (agents, admin help, people who earn from you), what one metric (retention, relationship strength, etc.) would you measure to know it's a good collaboration? 5. How will you track/monitor how you're doing in terms of customer delight? (Don't shoot for satisfaction – that's like working hard for a C.) 6. What is the one thing you could change, learn, or add to your skill set that would really be a game changer for your business? SMART, PRACTICAL ADVICE The above is augmented from Drew McLellan's Drew's Marketing Minute. I've been following Drew now for almost seven years as he's offered smart, practical small business marketing advice. I always tweak it to adjust for a VO mindset. I wanted to share this with you, because the list of questions effectively generated lots of ideas for me and maybe it can you. WHAT I AM DOING ... For January 2018, I am garnering these answers for my VO business:
It was a very active process; creating visual and artistic images; ideas for tracking beyond the basics of overall revenue, clients, auditions, expenses. What do you think? -------------------------- ABOUT REBECCA Rebecca Haugh, aka Love That Rebecca, has worked with international brands including NBC TV Universal, Google Adwords, Coca-Cola, Nestle, HP, Bayer, GE, Pella Shades and Simpleshow. And in addition to the constant VO work for clients, she operates Love That ImproVO, an online improvisation community she founded in 2013 for VO talents worldwide. Since 2012, she also produces and hosts the internet radio show Love That Voiceover. When she first started acting in 2001, Rebecca worked in VO and also as an actress in TV commercials, corporate video, indie film and regional theater under her stage name Rebecca Michaels. She has been solely a full-time VO actor since 2009. Email: Webs: and |
Upping my marketing game is my main goal for this year. All the other pieces of the puzzle are pretty much in place. Time has been my biggest restraint, but that's about to change. Building relationships with the folks that hire us is something I actually enjoy and plan to focus on.