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Erik Sheppard, Agent - Voice Talent Productions:
'Want Giant, Undeserved Piece Of Every Project'
August 15, 2017
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By Erik Sheppard

Voice Talent Productions

This company has been very vocal and (amazingly for them) very honest about their plans for total global voice over industry dominance. 

This buy was their first real attack on the mainstream VO business outside of their core ecosystem and the opening salvo in trying to put all agents out of business. 

Unfortunately, their own business model is the antithesis of how a reputable voice over agent operates - they are not there to support talent or see you paid fairly, they are there to gouge you as much as possible by skimming off the top, escrow fees, yearly fees, etc. 

It has been rehashed over and over how disgraceful their operation is, but this treatment was doled out only to the sad souls who stayed on their main website. 

Now they are spreading like a virus. It's unclear what the end game is with Voicebank, as I'm not sure if they just want to shut it down or redirect traffic through their main portal. But the message is clear - they want a giant undeserved piece of every project possible and they are aggressively making that a reality for them.  And a nightmare for the rest of us.

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