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Kelley Shares How To Go Off-Road
With Your Own Voice Over Marketing
March 29, 2016

Note: VO pro Kelley Buttrick developed and produced a series of videos and snail mail flyers to attract a big potential client for her voice overs - Jeep! Did Kelley get hired? Well, the story continues. In Part 1 of this series, Kelley explains the campaign. Here, in Part 2, she shares how you can accelerate your own VO marketing ...

By Kelley Buttrick
Voice Actor
See Part 1: Is Kelley Crazy?

Dreams are the stuff memes are made of. In order to gain traction on a passion pursuit, you have to come down from the clouds and chart a course to get up the mountain on your ultimate marketing off-road adventure.  


What is your destination?

Seems like an easy question, right? It shouldn’t be.

Carve out some quiet time when you can cut through the traffic in your mind and give the question serious thought.    

For most business owners, the first of the year inspires thoughts on where to grow. 2015 was no exception for me. I decided if I had a magic wand and could do anything I wanted, I would like to be "the” voice of a few brands whose stories resonate with me on a personal level.

Jeep immediately sprung to mind as it’s near and dear to my heart. Our family has a long history with the automotive icon.  


Before starting up the path, you need to know the terrain. Research the area, play out possible scenarios, check out the hazards and scenic views you’ll encounter.  

For months, I immersed myself in Jeep brand history and personality, digging up early advertising campaigns and monitoring automotive press coverage as well as exploring the business philosophies of their top executives through news articles.

In addition, I amped up my engagement with other Jeep fans on social media. I ate, slept, lived and breathed all things Jeep.  


Now that you know where you are going, how will you get there?

Make a detailed map outlining how exactly you will get from your garage to the end of the trail.  

We developed a plan to hit the email inboxes of Jeep executives and decision makers at their affiliated agencies with a series of videos explaining why they should book my voice for Jeep. We also decided to hit their mailboxes with snail mail echoing the video messages.  

  • How are you going to fuel your marketing effort?
  • Do you need a team to get there?
  • What gear do you need to make it to the trail’s end?  
Our team developed eight videos telling the KB4Jeep campaign story, and shot hundreds of stills based on vintage Jeep ads to use for snail mail pieces.

I pulled out every Jeep reference I could find to write the video landing pages and email content.  


Now you’re ready to crank the engine and hit the trail. This is the action phase where you execute the plan you created.    

On July 7, 2015, we sent the first video, which landed in the email of our targets the same day the paper card hit their mail boxes. Wish I could say it was planned that way, but it just so happened that luck was on our side.

We sent two videos and one mailed card per week, generating extremely positive direct feedback from several top-tier targets. Then, radio silence.  


Be prepared to winch yourself out of the mud. Always be on the lookout for alternate routes.  

The day after this year’s Super Bowl, Jeep sent an email to owners announcing their #MyJeepStory campaign encouraging fans to create videos, photos and posts sharing personal experiences with their brand on social media.

Until then, my KB4Jeep efforts were conducted under the radar, but Jeep’s campaign opened the door for me to go public with mine. My team and I are still out on the trail working our way closer to our destination.

I hope this article gets your wheels turning in the direction of your dreams - and don’t be afraid to go off the paved road of traditional VO marketing to get there!
Kelley Buttrick is a versatile voice over talent known for matching her voice to the message, be it the sound of a soccer mom, corporate executive, flirty date or snarky BFF. Her pre-VO work experience in marketing and media  gives her a unique big-picture perspective for each project. And while she enjoys the smooth ride of great agents, the nicest repeat clients and national bookings, she kicked it in gear with the Jeep marketing campaign and appreciates tweets, shares, likes, etc., especially when tagged with  #MyJeepStory and #KB4Jeep.

Web: www.kbvoiceovers.comJeep Campaign:

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Comments (4)
Joe Rodriguez
4/25/2016 at 10:39 AM
I just read through the articles and watched all the videos. All I can say is, Kelley, you are BRILLIANT!
Kelley Buttrick
3/30/2016 at 4:36 PM
Hi Ursula,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my article, and I'd like to add an explanation addressing your concern. As far as "she did all this work response," maybe I wasn't clear in the article, but the campaign is still ongoing. The KB4Jeep campaign, like most effective marketing efforts, is a marathon and not a sprint.

While yes, there have been lulls during the campaign, actually, I've had great response thus far. Here are some little victories I've experienced along the way, and I'm still hoping for the ultimate win of voicing for Jeep:
--I've heard directly from three top-tier executives at Jeep that they have put my campaign materials into the hands of their ad agencies.
--Yesterday, their Agency of Record listened to my demos and responded positively and publicly to me on social media.
--AdWeek, one of the top publications read by the industry that hires us, wrote a great story on KB4Jeep.
--In addition, the social media portion of the campaign has created some great publicity and buzz with generous colleagues sharing my posts and tweets.
--The campaign has been featured in articles and blog posts both inside and outside of our industry
--The number of hits to my website has exploded.
--I've booked more than five jobs in the past two weeks just from people who found me via Search Engine Optimization, which has received a huge boost from all the online activity.

Something else I should have said right from the start, that I believe firmly, is that there is no one way to successfully market yourself. I'm not saying my way is the only way. This is just a way that is working for me and won't necessarily resonate or work for someone else.

I'm sorry my article didn't help you, but I encourage you to most definitely keep your ultimate destination in mind and then chart a course that capitalizes on your own strengths to get there.

Best wishes,
:) Kelley
3/29/2016 at 9:03 PM
So.....she did all this work and..... no response. So tell me again how this article is supposed to help me?
Rick Lance
3/29/2016 at 11:44 AM
I've said it before in detail... Kelley certainly deserves to be given a shot... or at least some time from Jeep's ad agency. She executed an incredibly well thought out plan for her proposal to Jeep.

You may recall that Mike Rowe did a similar by going to Ford and in a meeting with them told them they needed to really get in touch from the Ford buyer and let them talk about their Ford purchases. And of course, that worked for a few years as he became their spokesperson. Yes, I know he had his "Dirty Jobs" celebrity behind him first. But Kelley looks like she's creating her own.

The real difficulty is convincing the ad agency for Jeep that she has a great idea and she's the one to execute it. The danger here, though is that she's risking HER concept being ripped off by the ad agency. They may want to claim it as their own and use their own talent in a copy campaign.

I know this is possible because... and I'm NOT making this up.. my wife and myself were ripped off many years ago by J.Walter Thompson... Ford's ad agency when we created a Texas dealership campaign around a new version of Alan Jackson's "Crazy 'Bout a Mercury" (which became Crazy 'Bout a Ford Truck). I even obtained the original tracks and recorded (sang) the new version myself! And we can prove it all! After JWT shut down our campaign in Texas. I've never forgotten that and saw within a few months that we were ROYALLY ripped off! Ford had a NEW national campaign with OUR concept!

Anyway... I'm rooting for Kelley on the Jeep deal every step of the way! She's got it going on!
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