VOCAL HEALTH Ahhhhhh Chooo! Don't Flu Around With Vocal Health. Common Sense Reminders ... January 24, 2017 ![]() Voice Actor & TV News Anchor This'll be really simple, and you've heard it all before. You just aren't doing it, 'cause ... well ... we're human ... and we forget. 1. Wash your hands! 2. Don't touch your eyes, your nose, your mouth...heck!...anything on your face until April (unless you've washed your hands...see #1 above) (this includes nose-picking, eye-rubbing, getting the "sleep" out of your eyes, and flossing). 3. Get a flu shot. No it won't give you the flu, it won't make you sick, and it WILL protect you (you may have a sore spot on your arm for a day). 4. Avoid small children at all costs.
6. At your workplace, ask your boss if you can distribute around the office those dispensers with an antibacterial liquid, or some antibacterial wipes. I realize this may make most bacteria immune to antibiotics by 2021, but we're talking about how to save yourself from rhinoviruses or the flu TODAY. 7. Take Airborne or Zicam or some other immune support supplement with scads of Vitamin C and Zinc from now until April ... no... May. There's no scientific proof it works, but I'm a case study in its effectiveness. 8. Wipe down all surfaces in your home with bleach ... especially after little people have visited. 9. Eat healthy food ... get lots of sleep. Just - wash your hands first. Honorable Mention: Gargle with an antimicrobial mouthwash all the time. I prefer hydrogen peroxide. In fact, my dentist recommends hydrogen peroxide for good oral health, because it kills all the crappy stuff in your mouth, and the human mouth is said to be the dirtiest thing on your body. If not hydrogen peroxide, then a really bad-tasting Listerine. It has to be bad-tasting (not actually, but that's what my mom told me). OK, got it? Good. Rinse and repeat. ---------------------- ABOUT DAVE
Dave Courvoisier is an Emmy Award-winning broadcaster, writer, producer, voice actor, and the main weeknight news anchor on KLAS-TV, Channel 8, the Las Vegas CBS affiliate. He also writes Voice-Acting in Vegas, a daily blog of voice over adventures, observations and technology, and is author and publisher of the book, More Than Just A Voice: The Real Secret To VoiceOver Success. Email: CourVO@CourVO.com Web: http://www.courvo.com Blog: http://www.courvo.biz More Than Just A Voice: http://courvo.com/more-than-just-a-voice |
Seriously, that's a really terrible thing to suggest. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is WAY better for you than anything anti-microbial. Heck, the FDA banned antimicrobial soaps just this past September since they're not proven to be better than washing with plain soap and water, and they are creating superbugs that will cause us greater harm later on:
So, please, please, PLEASE... avoid antibacterial products like the plague for your long-term health.
Thank you for the advice.
Thanks Dave...trust you're doing great!!