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Keeping Track Of Your Audiobook Recording
Time And Finished Hours - With A Spreadsheet

By Mike Lenz
Voice Actor & Audiobook Narrator

How do you keep track of your audiobook narration recording time and finished hours? Here's how I do it, with a spreadsheet:

Each day gets a separate color.

I keep track of time (finished minutes) in the far right column. That way I can easily add up at the end of the day and know how many finished hours I've recorded.

I also keep track of the actual time I spend recording in my journal, where I track all activity for the day.

Then I write both numbers in my desk calendar and determine my ratio of finished hours to recording time. Current ratio is 1.5ish:1, so 2 finished hours takes me about 3.5 hours to record.

What's your system?    
Mike Lenz is a full-time SAG-AFTRA professional voice talent, actor, audiobook narrator and podcast producer. As a voice actor for more than 13 years, he has worked with clients such as Xerox, Hershey, Dell, Microsoft, Paychex, Sotheby's, Clorox, Bayer, Coca-Cola and many more on commercials, eLearning projects, real estate videos, corporate and web-based videos, and brand imaging. Mike has also appeared in regional and national television commercials as an on-camera talent and was the host of a local TV talk show in Saratoga Springs, NY for a number of years. He has narrated more than 60 audiobook titles to date, and is a Voice Arts Award-nominated podcast producer of the popular Mike Lenz Voice - A Journey into Voice Acting podcast, and the creator of Podcast Snap, a podcast consulting service. He is also the author of Paid to Talk - A Journey Into Voice Acting and is a frequent speaker at Learning and Voice Over conferences.   

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