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MO-JOE Friday Videos, Episode 35:
In Social Media - LIKE, Then COMMENT
November 16, 2018

(VOXtra) - When you like what you see in a social media post, a quick click on LIKE registers your thought.

But a COMMENT takes your thinking further, creating a closer connection to the original writer. Why would you want to do that?

Voice-Over Booth Camp's Joe Loesch explains the benefits in today's MO-JOE Friday video ...


Joe Loesch is a top voice actor and voice-over coach, an award-winning spoken word producer, and (... drum roll ... ) your leader at Voice-Over Booth Camp.

Plus, on the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers MO-JOE Friday Video refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice-over to VoiceOverXtra readers. Check out past episodes here.

You can sign up here to receive email alerts to future MO-JOE Friday videos, plus VoiceOverXtra news and how-to articles.

BTW: Did you miss Joe Loesch's webinar on Character Voices for Audiobooks and Animation? No problem: Click here to obtain the recording of this 2-hour fascinating inter-active event. This webinar was a special edition of Joe's Voice-Over Booth Camp Online, presented by VoiceOverXtra.

Also learn VO with a subscription to Voice Over Booth Camp videos here. While you're there, please LIKE us!

And for more about training personally with Joe Loesch, please visit

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