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Why Hide Your Multi Talents? e-Learning
Developers Might Be Looking Just For You

By Rick Gordon
Voice Talent & Owner &

Many VO talents don't promote their hidden talents - mainly because they think they have no value.

Recently we added a new member who listed herself as an American and Canadian English VO talent. When looking over her resume, we saw that she is also fluent in Spanish - plus, she can voice English in a variety of European accents.

Those are all important talents to highlight!

In the e-Learning world, many characters have different mother tongues. 

For example, some e-Learning course developers are looking for an English VO talent whose mother tongue is Spanish, Italian, British, German, or French, etc. 

You should list these accents or dialects in your bio.

It would be even better if you could record a small demo so instructional designers could audition your sound. 

In addition to possibly landing more work, you may spark an idea for e-Learning course writers - a solution for additional characters without the additional cost of a short one- or two-line script.

You have probably noticed that many of your local TV newsreaders do not speak American English as their mother tongue. Obviously, this is perfectly acceptable. Their local audience is a mix of immigrants from other countries and their numbers are substantial.

Also, many voice talents are still using just their personal email address at Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc., even if they also have a professional VO website. It would appear more professional to show an address using your website URL.

It's easy to make this change. Look at "accounts" in your email program and add your name and professional website URL. You will then be viewed as a VO professional, and visitors will know you are serious about this business.

Rick Gordon is a veteran voice talent based in Canada, and is also the founder and owner of two major online voice over marketplaces: Commercial and e-Learning Commercial was created in 2000 as the website where voice talents are "hit and heard." e-Learning was introduced in 2008 specifically for e-Learning voice-over projects.

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