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How A Voice Over Scam Begins: Got
This Email Today From 'Rob Kelly' ...

December 13, 2017

(VOXtra) We nearly pressed the DELETE button on this message in the VoiceOverXtra Inbox this morning - but then thought it might save someone time and money to expose yet another scam apparently making the rounds of the voice over biz.

The inaccurate English grammar of the message below is certainly a red flag, akin to what we saw in the infamous "Nigerian Lottery" scam years ago.

But if you receive a similar message - and that grammar flag isn't red enough for you - consider this: responding to "Rob Kelly" not only wastes your time, but also puts your money and identity at risk.

Here's the message:
SUBJECT: Recording Studio Service Needed Asap
Inbox: ROB KELLY 5:11 AM (4 hours ago)
To: info

Hello this is Rob, I am hearing impaired that is the more reason why i am contacting you through emailing,i would like to know if you are available for a Recording Studio session service,How much do you charge per hour and also per day? and do you accept credit card as a payment method?,i will also need the below information from you:

Your Name.....Your Studio Address.....Cell Phone Number....Are you the Studio Owner.....
Well, "Rob," nice try. DELETE.

PS: Check out this excellent article by bodalgo's Armin Hierstetter on how to spot and avoid scams:
Scam Season Drags On: How To Use Your Best Protection (Your Brain).

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Comments (5)
James Alburger
12/16/2017 at 12:22 PM
Another, similar scam making the rounds comes from a guy named Jacob Hooks. Same scheme... they send you a check for more than the booking and want you to cash it and send them the difference. It took several emails with this guy before the scheme revealed itself. Grammar was pretty good and the first several emails sounded pretty authentic, but the red flags started to appear around the third email when he revealed the payment procedure. Once you see those red flags, the best thing to do is to just stop communicating with the scammer.
Howard Ellison
12/15/2017 at 6:34 AM
My radar improves by the day, but even so I clicked an AppleSupport tag at the bottom of their official page. It brought up a shiny hi-tech office picture. A click on 'chat now' brought on a guy eager to take control of my mac and 'fix several issues.' Only when pressed did he say there would be an upfront charge. Then, click! Gone. Apple confirmed it was no part of their organisation.
Paul Payton
12/13/2017 at 12:30 PM
Yez, I has been in this country a long distance now....

And the would-be hits just keep on coming. Bad grammar helps identify them, but also beware of looks-like-but-not-quite URLs. I get periodic phishing attempts from "" which look ridiculously authentic, and which I didn't notice at first since one of my major clients uses the real Docusign service fairly frequently.

Another thought - I wonder if the irony is not lost on us that "Rob" simply wants to rob us. "He" may be "hearing impaired," but we are not blind!

I hope everyone has a happy, joyous and successful holiday season, and here's to a great year-end wrap-up and major league 2018!

Mike Pollock
12/13/2017 at 12:17 PM
You'll want to forward that to
12/13/2017 at 11:28 AM
100% scam. Myself and other coworkers all received this email. Anyone that says they're hearing impaired and then asks for your cell phone number is looking to gather your personal information.
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